Example sentences of "[adv] in that [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In any learning situation the teacher-pupil relationship can be a vulnerable and intense one , with some of the dependence of the mother-child interaction until the pupil is mature enough in that particular field of study to stand alone and make his or her own judgements .
2 Furthermore , the detectives are no longer in that basic symbol of police identity — the uniform .
3 This would have been after a rehearsal of the local schools orchestra , some time early in that last year of his life .
4 It had surged forth in that dreadful shop in London , when he had stood transfixed — not , as Helen thought , by bunches of guinea-fowl but by the bare arms of the butcher 's lad adroitly trimming a carcass on a block beneath .
5 Then , still in that apologetic tone of voice , she went on to strike Lisa with a thunderbolt .
6 These values are expressed , not only in words , but in actions — most notably in that scrupulous attention to detail that has set McDonald 's apart from its competitors ever since the early 1950s .
7 If you sent him a present , he would reply immediately in that beautiful handwriting of his . ’
8 Even in that early part of the siege a decision had been made that you were all going to die .
9 He wanted to be two hundred miles away , where he had come from — even in that bleak house in that wasted corner of the sleet-driven estate .
10 ‘ She 'd be better off in a house in Thirkett than stuck out here in that great barn of a place .
11 With this fancy in my mind as I watch them pass , sometimes in that delusive light of Venice those ships seem to blur before me and I see them transmuted into vessels of the past .
12 But even back then in that golden age for the company , there were early forerunners of the devastating failures that have turned into a way of dismal life from the dawn of the 1980s .
13 Now things are moving over there in that engineered space between the inner and the outer .
14 They named their eldest son Benjamin , after his maternal grandfather , and she would tell the young lad when he grew up of how she had been taught piano and organ by Benjamin James her father , there in that big house in Curry Rivel where they used to hang hams or sides of bacon in the huge chimney piece .
15 Yet in that fantastic cavalcade of monsters , freaks and angels , there were two moments in which I recognized something of myself .
16 Who else in that distinguished gathering of philosophers , psychologists , veterinary professors and ethologists would desert their dignity so far as to imitate an animal ?
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