Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun prp] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The main , Western tradition began only in about 600BC in Asia Minor and spread to cover most of Europe , the Mediterranean world and Asia as far as India ; a separate Eastern tradition came into being in China in about the sixth century BC .
2 Tomorrow 's rally will assemble at 10.30am in Binchley Street and leave at 11am for a noon indoor rally at Queens Park Sports Centre , Boundary Road .
3 Anthony Perkins , the star of Psycho , had grown his own cannabis back home in Los Angeles and had thought to avoid being busted by customs by posting it to the hotel in Wales where he was due to stay in June 1989 .
4 She took a taxi to the family home in Surry Hills and let herself into the house which was unoccupied .
5 THE COUNTY now known simply as Lothian is an amalgamation of what used to be East Lothian , Midlothian , and West Lothian , with a few bits chipped off the edges here and there : for example , the little settlement of Stow with its packhorse bridge over the Gala Water was once in East Lothian but has now been lured into the Borders region .
6 The scrub community of Allt Volagir , also in South Uist and mentioned in the same paper , is somewhat similar , but Betula pubescens is absent .
7 Following phosphorylation by the DNA-PK , Jun-Core also migrates more slowly in SDS gels as judged by Coommassie Blue staining ( data not shown ) .
8 Never once did we stop even in Templecombe village but made our way through the sleepy hamlet , the houses on either side all boarded up , the only sign of life being columns of smoke and the occasional villager foraging on the outskirts for fire-wood .
9 And now he 's turned up here in Waldron City and started blackmailing you . ’
10 After his release he lived in Kent , preaching regularly in Rochester Cathedral and laying the foundations for what became the Quaker community there .
11 Having holidayed previously in Sunwing Crete and enjoyed excellent standards of service and accommodation synonymous with the Sunwing name , we decided to try the island of Lanzarote under the same safe banner .
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