Example sentences of "[adv] be [adj] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 People in my trade are supposed to be able to help , but I 've only been able to come up with the old platitude : ‘ Do n't buy a £500 car from a dealer because you 'll only get £100 worth of vehicle — the rest will be profit . ’
2 Au pairs ' hours have to be fitted around language classes and travelling and so are unlikely to fit in with yours , unless you are prepared to compromise a great deal and have the energy after work to deal with the appalling homesickness experienced by young people living far from home .
3 It is hoped that social scientists will not only be able to carry out with greater ease and rapidity those types of computation previously undertaken on mainframe computers but that they may also be able to take advantage of the machines ’ ability to handle graphical information .
4 The Big Six are in an unassailable position and no new firm formed through mergers in the second tier will ever be able to catch up with them , according to former Arthur Andersen senior partner Ian Hay Davison .
5 You might well be able to come up with more ideas of your own .
6 Still , I suppose you would have to develop a certain detachment , otherwise you 'd never be able to carry on with what you 're working on at the moment . ’
7 Empowering local communities , that 's what really frightens the Tories , because what it means is they 'll never be able to come back with those repressive and regressive policies that they brought in two years ago .
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