Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Gradual developing defects , cracks , etc. are expected to be remedied by the Insured before they develop to such an extent that the stoppage of the machine and immediate repair which could be construed as breakdown of the machine .
2 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
3 Heparan sulphate proteoglycan , laminin , and collagen have all been shown to be linked across cell membranes to cytoskeletal elements , and cytoskeletal proteins have been demonstrated to be condensed at cell-cell and cell-matrix interfaces .
4 The subsidence costs are incurred by British Coal and so are said to be internalized .
5 In the strictest sense then , the subject of this chapter are the six Warsaw Pact members of Eastern Europe which , along with Mongolia , could alone be said to be bound to the ‘ socialist commonwealth ’ .
6 A ley can really only be said to be confirmed if it has been walked for most of its length .
7 A Scottish Office spokesman said : ‘ Justice must not only be seen to be done — but heard to be done . ’
8 Put that the other way round : a China that flunked this test would not only be seen to be throwing in its lot with Asia 's rogue regimes .
9 The model predicts that vulnerability factors can only be expected to be revealed amongst women experiencing major difficulties or who have recently experienced a severe event .
10 They can only be taken to be creating expectations of faithfulness .
11 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
12 Edinburgh council alone is thought to be owed one hundred thousand pounds .
13 Other students joined in and before long , quite spontaneously , a crowd of some 200 or so was found to be singing lustily , with Leonard as the ecstatic , unselfconscious conductor .
14 Nevertheless , local supplies may become exhausted and , with an increase in the use of charcoal , particularly in urban areas , forests far away are beginning to be affected .
15 So far we have only considered diversification within a national market where the stock market and the shares listed therein are going to be affected by the same macro- and microeconomic forces and developments .
16 The principle must be that although affray is a continuing offence , where the participants can no longer be said to be using or threatening violence towards another person , the offence is complete .
17 In April the Accounting Standards Board proposed that provisions for future losses and reorganisation costs after an acquisition will no longer be allowed to be taken straight out of the balance sheet of the purchaser 's accounts , without passing through its profit and loss account .
18 Again we assume that she would have young children , children who would normally be expected to be living with her .
19 They can be rattled to produce a menacing warning sound , they can be thrust violently into the flesh of the attacker by backward lunges of the porcupine 's body , and they can easily be detached to be left embedded in the unfortunate predator 's anatomy .
20 Others , however , would rather maintain that these charges have sometimes been exaggerated , but that they do highlight genuine dangers of which one ought to be aware in reading Barth : dangers which lie partly in what he actually says , but also partly in what he can very easily be taken to be saying when his real meaning is subtly but significantly different .
21 British Rail tell us the London Paddington to Liverpool train service which is , is due at Oxford at six fifty-five tonight 's going to be starting from Reading instead ; that 's going to confuse a few people .
22 The current Tsunami run meanwhile is said to be exceeding expectations in speed and yield .
23 That content too has always been felt to be linked to the aesthetic in some way — though again as of late , in theoretical studies this has not been examined .
24 Where there is a surety to the agreement and an assignment by the tenant is agreed by the landlord , it is advisable to ensure that while the surety may still be forced to be bound by the obligations on its part contained in the agreement , the surety should not be forced to be a party to the lease .
25 And a further principle was established — that of ‘ conflict of interest ’ , in which a manager who advises an artist to sign with his own recording and music publishing companies can hardly be said to be acting impartially , or necessarily in the best interests of his client .
26 The merits of a planning application lodged in August 1988 can hardly be expected to be judged on the basis of a yet to be prepared and approved Structure Plan Review and District-wide Local Plan , both of which will address a future Development Plan time period .
27 ‘ ( a ) the manner in which , and purposes for which , the product has been marketed , its get-up , the use of any mark in relation to the product and any instructions for , or warnings with respect to , doing or refraining from doing anything with or in relation to the product ; ( b ) what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product ; and ( c ) the time when the product was supplied by its producer to another ; and nothing in this section shall require a defect to be inferred from the fact alone that the safety of a product which is supplied after that time is greater than the safety of the product in question . ’
28 ( b ) what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product ; and
29 What might reasonably be expected to be done with the product ?
30 Use Section 3(2) ( b ) provides that a court should take into account , " what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product …
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