Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] this way " in BNC.

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1 Showmanship was not just the accidental way in which British and American films were distributed , it was the essence of a whole phenomenon and the films of the English-language world can only be understood in this way .
2 Tape files can only be accessed in this way ( figure 5.2 ) and therefore tapes can only be used for serial or sequential files .
3 But this culture has already been defined in this way partially because of the existence in it of this particular kind of music .
4 Deaf people may be seen as handicapped and failing and our studies can easily be presented in this way .
5 ) Aspiring castes can easily be led in this way to inherit actual faults from their predecessors .
6 Based primarily on field research questionnaires amongst personnel employed by an East Anglian company , the research also seeks views on the suitability of this type of operation for products other than those mentioned above : these could be compatible with or unrelated to those already being marketed in this way .
7 Most Japanese papers traditionally are made in this way , as are some printmaking papers .
8 Having firmly rejected this device for the other adjective constructions discussed so far ( not excluding the postnominal attributive ) , we consider that it is only in Sections 4.5 onwards that we have encountered a construction where the adjective can reasonably be treated in this way .
9 If the idea is familiar to you , you may like to note here that proportions can also be expressed in this way .
10 The range of module versions to which an SSR refers may also be extended in this way .
11 Liberal commitment to free speech must also be tested in this way , lest it become an unthinking orthodoxy — a mere article of faith .
12 Polyisoprenes can also be analyzed in this way , only now the bands at 11.0 and 11.25 , µm are used to estimate the and , while a band at 8.7 µm corresponds to the linkage .
13 Similar experiments are expected to show that BSE can also be transmitted in this way to sheep and goats .
14 " Condition " and " causal circumstance " can also be used in this way .
15 Asked whether people who give to the WWF to protect such things as pandas , whales and rainforests realized that their money is also being used in this way , in particular to support the bloodsport of angling , he said he had never thought of angling as a bloodsport and donations had been listed in their magazine .
16 In 1902 the letters of Lord Lansdowne , the British foreign secretary , to the ambassador in Paris were clearly being opened in this way .
17 If A lacks the legal capacity to transfer the opportunity by his own act to anyone but is in a position by persuasion to procure B , who has the opportunity , to transfer it to C , can A properly be said in this way to provide C with the opportunity indirectly ?
18 Miss Joyce could not afford to sue for libel , for which Legal Aid is not available , so she chose the ancient legal route of malicious falsehood which IS covered by legal aid but has never before been used in this way .
19 Beds and work areas can often be accommodated in this way , and the effect can be neat , stylish , and space-saving .
20 Freud has sometimes been excluded in this way from sociology , but , as has been shown above , the sociologist can not simply accept a conclusion from psychology and dismiss Freud for this reason .
21 The effect of , for instance , the Banking and Energy Directives will undoubtedly be diluted in this way .
22 Perhaps the future which Linton perceptively visualized has not yet been realized in this way but the basis of energy has certainly been advocated in the branches of physical geography , and perhaps most c ! early in climatology .
23 Although it is common knowledge that dogs have been extensively employed in times of war , most people imagine that the cat has never been exploited in this way .
24 Again , according to self reports from people who 've actually been abused in this way .
25 Pension providers are currently being challenged in this way by the existence of new family forms .
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