Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun pl] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily the flies had gone by now .
2 There is no such thing as bad publicity , and sometimes the only way to force change is to be anti-social and become a problem which eventually the authorities have to deal with .
3 In particular consider time limits — both for enacting and for advising , perhaps the performers have to spend at least a minute improvising before they can request advice .
4 Perhaps it had been a decision taken by a General of KGB in the Lubyanka , perhaps the papers had gone to the Politburo or even to the President , but the matter had not been pushed .
5 Perhaps the brothers had waited in vain for me to make some retraction .
6 And so the Cheetahs have come to life .
7 So The Shamen have to win over the college/alternative scene .
8 Elsewhere the authors have explored in more detail the nature and relevance of such approaches to people with learning difficulties ( Swain and Brechin , forthcoming ) .
9 Tonight the labourers have gathered at a friend 's house to discuss whether the new government will resolve their biggest problems like the lack of decent housing , running water and electricity .
10 Another local said : ‘ Normally the police have to travel by convoy into the area for the sake of safety .
11 Technically the Austrians have come on strongly , Rudolph Nierlich winning two slalom golds at the Vail World Championships .
12 Technically the Austrians have come on strongly , Rudolph Nierlich winning two slalom golds at the Vail World Championships .
13 The amount of RNA synthesized was unrelated to motor activity or any measure of stress that we could identify ( for instance how much the birds peeped or twittered ) , but it was strongly correlated with their preference score ; that is , the more the chicks had learned about the flashing light and preferred it to any alternative , the more RNA was synthesized in their forebrain roof .
14 For a time the eastern empire was able to maintain itself in Italy , but thereafter the popes had to look to the new Frankish power in the north for their temporal defences .
15 Although none of the aquariums used are lit , rocks are placed in them which have a generous growth of algae on them , and are changed once the algae has gone through constant grazing .
16 Er there would have been some cases where that had happened erm and clearly the nationalists had withdrawn from most of southern China into , into south west China and therefore erm th th there 'd been er and there was quite a lot of fighting going , still going across south China so i it 's not quite the same .
17 That would be the normal price bracket for a Dior or Chanel creation — but now the supermodels have gone from catwalk to catalogue .
18 But so far the countries have paid in less than $140 000 .
19 In judging the six keyboards under test all these possible options have been looked at to see how far the producers have gone to creating the ‘ ideal ’ replacement .
20 The possibility of asking such questions shows how far the courts have to go in dealing with the issues raised by representative standing .
21 The passage of the Riot Act of 1715 , which made assembling for political ( as well as other ) purposes potentially a capital offence , reveals how far the Whigs had come from the early days when they had actively promoted political demonstrations and deliberately sought an alliance with " the crowd " .
22 A basic theme focuses on the extent to which uniquely domestic factors have affected a party 's approach to these matters or how far the parties have responded to common stimuli .
23 Here the engineers have to carry out most of their work on Sundays when traffic is light , but this often entails diversions and extended journey times followed by temporary speed restrictions for a few further days at the beginning of each week .
24 Reportedly the powers-that-be have settled on a replacement for Ed Palmer to run the Uniforum association of Unix users : the name we 've heard is Richard Jarros , formerly of Data General Corp .
25 Even the directors had known of the trick .
26 I would n't wan na do it tomorrow , well only later afternoon but I mean if I have to put ear plugs in at night to get some sleep because of them , surely the authorities have got ta say something about that
27 The road serves the village of Barashevo and sometimes the civilians have to stand behind the lines of the guards and wait for the columns of criminals to go by before they can proceed on their way .
28 Sometimes the newcomers have settled in without doing the original inhabitants any great harm — and so it is that the rabbit and the fallow deer have become accepted additions to Britain 's fauna .
29 Maybe the aliens had got into shopping .
30 If Marx were right — that colonialism enslaved the colonizing power — then the slaves had come to be loaded with even heavier chains .
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