Example sentences of "[adv] the [adj] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As the Denmark Farm experiment shows , it is not too late to restore our countryside — arguably the richest aspect of our national heritage — and recreate a living countryside with a rich biological diversity .
2 Boastful , overbearing and bumptious , he emerges by his own account as the eternal mocker of authority , rarely the effective wielder of it .
3 But the new cohorts felt much less keenly the social conditions from which the class alignment arose in the first place .
4 Yet even as I remember Victoria , I feel keenly the unsettled state of my mind .
5 That talent was presumably the main reason for his appointment , and that 's only right and proper because if there 's one thing England can learn from Bob Dwyer , it is that you sometimes have to be prepared to let a young side lose in the short-term to gain in the long-term .
6 Speed had done nothing else right the whole game with his overall game looking jaded .
7 More important , however , the large organisations with which we had contact had all sought to make very clear the precise status of their casual staff .
8 This support is rarely total but undoubtedly some newspapers , e.g. the Daily Mail , Sun , are more ready than others to support wholeheartedly the political party of their choice .
9 you can not protect the general theme or idea for a piece of sculpture , for example , but rather the fixed expression of it in stone or marble or , as mentioned , specific drawings in charcoal or some other medium worked on paper .
10 Xavier Mellery , the painter of the nuns , was described in the catalogue as " creating a light which is the negation of that which envelops our immediate visual experience of things ; it is rather the Interior light of your mind … "
11 They were all here , or rather the outward appearance of what was them was here .
12 The frailty of human memory is such that it is by no means uncommon for a delegate to criticize fiercely the very rule for which he himself was responsible a year or two before !
13 It is not reasonable to expect Hong Kong to continue to accept , year in , year out , large numbers of people coming from Vietnam — not because they have a well founded fear of persecution , but because they want to better the economic lot of themselves and their families .
14 And suddenly the whole sky around them was filled with birds , and every bird had one or more Minpins on its back .
15 The brilliance of the morning caused her to vow that Doreen would be unable to spoil that particular part of the day , and suddenly the last vestige of her previous depression vanished .
16 Suddenly the human part of him is falling apart .
17 The use of where used files means all parts are cross-referenced , and drawing files are located and attribute classifications , eg the variable type with its sub-set family of parts .
18 After four years at sea and now without compass and sextant , apparently the main attributes of its navigational aids , the old tub and crew are in need of a refit and the new establishment would be most foolish to embark upon the same kind of voyage.J I HOWARD , Glendale , Upper Street , Witnesham .
19 The study analyses the stunted growth of this form of schooling and especially the complex reasons for its failure which is seen as a major defect in the formation of a skilled labour face in England , The research is based on the analysis of documentation in the Pro Kew and elsewhere .
20 The sheer recklessness and shortsightedness of the Commission , and especially the Franco-German axis within it , is nowhere clearer than in the GATT fiasco .
21 There are also biographical details from the author 's life , especially the accidental shooting of his own wife in 1951 , for which he spent 13 days in a Mexican jail .
22 It is a book that can be related closely to the age in which it was written , and especially the personal circumstances of its author , then a young classical scholar .
23 Mrs Grogan had wisely taken note of the many warnings issued to householders , especially the elderly living on their own , to examine carefully the credentials of all callers before admitting them .
24 His first love is landscape painting , especially the rural scenes around his home in Farnborough , Hampshire , where he lives with his wife and two daughters .
25 Big organic molecules , and especially the nucleic acids of which genes are made ( see p 5 ) , are liable to be broken down by high-energy radiation , and in particular by the ultraviolet ( W ) light that is a component of sunlight .
26 All businesses , not just incorporated ones , gain from the public-good and quasi-public-good provisions of the public sector , especially the legal framework in which limited liability is enjoyed .
27 But will the clubs , more especially the big clubs for whom the internationals play , ever agree to dance the union 's tune when every issue that comes up between them ends up simply coming between them ?
28 And Pound 's generosity towards Eliot did not fail through subsequent decades , when nothing was more common among the English intelligentsia , especially the academic part of it , than to assail Pound with weapons picked from Eliot 's armoury .
29 Many clergy , especially the royal servants among them , began to buy pardons as early as February , and in York province , which was more immediately threatened with Scottish invasion , the vast majority of the clergy had soon done so .
30 I had always resisted Frida Kahlo and especially the feminist appropriation of her life and her art .
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