Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun] could [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps the minister could tell us er why they 're not covered and indeed I understand that in particular er non-U K banks with branches in the in the in this country er are not covered either .
2 I may be wrong about that erm but perhaps the minister could address himself specifically to that point and also to the question of pension schemes , perhaps er covered under some other legislation but I think these are matters that are of erm of of of some concern .
3 Perhaps the candidate could enlighten us .
4 Pregnant women are generally advised to reduce their MHR by about 20–25 per cent — the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists cautiously recommends that pregnant women do n't exercise above 140bpm — so the Pacer could help you run sensibly during pregnancy .
5 This week 14 paintings were put up for auction in London so the gallery could clear its debts and provide grants for artists , particularly students , in the region .
6 The dealing manager would be hovering breathing down the dealers ' necks like Big Brother , nodding approvingly if they sounded convincing , or else shouting : " You need to be more fucking aggressive " ( so the client could hear him in the background ) .
7 So she said to help Mary out she said I gave her all the sweets and chocolate I had she said so the kids could have something to go over with .
8 The people , said Russell , desired peace : but only the Americans could enforce it .
9 She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled , thinking that only the birds could see her .
10 If only the women could grasp my points of view .
11 Unlike Mengele , a freelance monster exploiting opportunities only the Nazis could give him , and unlike Teller , so openly fronting for the Pentagon , our anonymous scientist would acknowledge his dreadful error , his responsibility .
12 Many Danzigers felt that the Nazis could not help them , and at the same time that only the Nazis could help them ; they urged the Party on while at the same time distancing themselves from it .
13 It was angled so that only the captain could see it and Jezrael had no knowledge of what it showed , only her own innate fear of what damage it might cause .
14 But he remained convinced that if only the Elector could hear him he would change his mind :
15 There were more important things he needed to find out ; things only the Doctor could tell him .
16 To the Queen , Cranmer was not only detestable as a heretic but odious as the man who had arranged her mother 's divorce ; he had however been legally consecrated as Archbishop by order of the pope , and only the Pope could hand him over for judgement and punishment by the civil power .
17 Some instinct told her that only the truth could save them now ; that the time for evasions was over .
18 Once more the West could do nothing to oppose the Russian action .
19 Furthermore the period of intense pollution at the beginning of the mining was now barred by statute from legal suit and also the company could claim it had provided compensation then which was accepted .
20 ‘ But I love you , ’ he said , and even today the memory could make him wince with remembered pain and passion .
21 So far the Israelis have resisted the provocations , and maybe the alliance could stand it if even if their forbearance fails .
22 She felt too unwell to pursue the point any longer , and , besides , maybe the doctor could give her something for her migraine .
23 Maybe the Commander could give you a few tips for your essay , ’ he said .
24 If two pairs { x , y } and { z , w } are the same distance apart , then the sorter could put them in either order .
25 If that really is the way the authorities are now thinking — and ‘ readers ’ letters ' have long been notoriously close to official thinking in East Germany — then the government could find it is courting unprecedented disaster .
26 If it is internal then the individual could control it .
27 If the student demonstrated by his choices that he did not fully understand a particular point then the programme could send him round an additional explanatory loop .
28 But the dining-room was too spacious : there the sepoys could use their numbers for a devastating bayonet charge .
29 Either the US could allow themselves to be convinced that they were fighting one war , in Vietnam and Korea ; that with practically unlimited US military and economic assistance the French could defeat the main Vietminh forces in Tonkin ; and that revolution or insurgency could be contained in the rest of the country .
30 Therefore the company could increase their capacity by another 4,444 units if they 80 wished .
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