Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun] would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the others would blame me for deserting , I thought , but Captain Smollett would be pleased I had taken the Hispaniola , I was sure .
2 Perhaps the Dwarves would tell him .
3 Or so the organisers would have you think .
4 Because he always had long trousers that went over his boots , and they were you know , very wide so the boys would call him too long and too loose .
5 The highlights , or perhaps the lowlights , have included singer James Hetfield getting himself barbecued by an over-enthusiastic pyro , while the temporary pairing with Guns N' Roses caused further turbulence — or so the press would have us believe .
6 A tingling that made her want to lift her feathers so the wind would touch her skin .
7 He pointed out that schools which took up the offer would not know in advance how much the discount would save them .
8 It appears that more or less the company would do it .
9 As a peasant from the Kursk guberniia put it in 1922 : ‘ We are not for priests nor for the church , but if only the Comrades would give us a little of what they promise : they promise a school and Socialism , but our hands are still as empty as ever . ’
10 They painted an enticing portrait of the bliss that lay ahead if only the peasantry would heed their call and rise up against the established order .
11 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
12 He reached for her to kiss her again and Sally clung to him hoping that somehow the contact would make everything come right .
13 Finally the flame would engulf his head and he 'd explode in a furious orange ball of flame .
14 Meanwhile the women would make their more leisurely way to the quays with their ‘ gurries ’ , or hand-barrows .
15 Pop would go out in the morning scouring the countryside for meat and vegetables , and sometimes having to dive into a culvert if there was a raid ; meanwhile the officers would shepherd us into trenches and play games until the raid was over .
16 Mr Fuller , 52 , said yesterday the move would allow him , as executive chairman , to take ‘ half a step back to focus on policy and strategy ’ at a time of market upheaval for regional brewers and pub owners .
17 If its home clock said the time was 12.00 a.m. but the sun at the release site indicated 6.00 a.m. the pigeon would infer it had been moved one quarter of the way round the world to the west .
18 Now the unit would have its own crew 24 hours a day another factor which would mean Darlington would have a better service .
19 And now the Normans would know it .
20 Nansen , an excellent scientist , had realised that the polar ice drifted from east to west and reasoned that if he chose his entry point correctly the ice would tow his ship over the pole and release it near Canada .
21 Besides , it squeaks so loudly the Headmaster would hear you before you were halfway across . ’
22 He did n't mean it — it was said in passion , Vincent assured his brother , knowing how profoundly the news would disturb him .
23 The colleges themselves , of course , took part in these processes often with some trepidation and nervousness , not knowing how well the CNAA would understand them as institutions or how sympathetic it would be to their approach to teacher education .
24 I was worried that the evening and particularly the ending would upset him .
25 Not even the Director would say we were wrong .
26 But sometimes the Earl would ring me at home at night and ask me to drive back to Althorp because the Countess was in floods of tears .
27 Sometimes the postman would bring her a strange soggy parcel , with no letter inside .
28 If Pickles really does love you , maybe the pater would give her a decent allowance and you 'd manage somehow .
29 Maybe the colonel would have one ; she did n't suppose he would mind if she borrowed it .
30 It could not get hold of me and stifle me ; for it would employ only my hands and a certain section of my knowledge ; the rest of me would be free : after office hours my escape would be absolute ; and then the holidays would enable me , according to my powers and my wishes , to live another life as different as that of Jekyll from that of Hyde .
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