Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He came before the meeting as Chairman of the Legal Aid and Fees Committee , and moved the resolution in sadness and anger — sadness because it soured relations with the Lord Chancellor and the LCD and because time that he would rather have spent constructively had to be wasted on futile bickering , and anger because of the way that barristers and solicitors had been treated by the Government , especially a Government that spoke of the need for the business community to make prompt payment .
2 If the more rural areas show up on the whole slightly better than the more populous places that is perhaps a feature that occurs in other aspects of Scottish life ; and let the indwellers in those backward centres of population not repine .
3 So a hummingbird that specialises in feeding from Heliconia has to patrol a whole group of plants , visiting each hanging spike of blossoms in strict rotation on a carefully timed schedule .
4 Thus a creature that hunts by daylight would waste its energy if it rushed around in the night when its prey was hiding in a burrow and , anyway , it would be poorly equipped for hunting then .
5 He had the revolutionary idea that gravity was not just a force that operated in a fixed background of space-time .
6 This is not exactly a character that springs to mind watching her at the Queen Vic jumping into the sack with her husband 's brother .
7 We were roughly in the middle of St Christopher 's Place , which is n't a ‘ place ’ in the French sense , just an alley that cuts between Oxford and Wigmore Streets .
8 It was just an instinct that came with the job .
9 An early restart had been planned , but the Inspectorate ruled against it on the grounds that there was still a risk that welds in the pressure vessels could fail as they cool , becoming brittle and eventually breaking , with the risk of a serious accident due to loss of coolant .
10 J. H. Eaton , a magistrate , declared : ‘ It almost goes without saying that there is hardly a case that comes before our courts , to which the natives are parties , in which this crime [ perjury ] is not more or less freely indulged . ’
11 It was also probably a link that led through several species of hominids , some of which died out , to man .
12 erm so what I 'm saying is my guess is , and it 's no more than that , that Shakespeare was probably conscious of a lot of it , but there 's also probably an area that came from a very rich and active unconscious .
13 erm So what I 'm saying is , my guess is , and it 's no more than that , that Shakespeare was probably conscious of a lot of it , but there 's also probably an area that came from a very rich and active unconscious .
14 Hello , we must be going : What can you say about a year that began with the end of Maggie and ended with the demise of Gorby ?
15 Investment banking although this year it 's a very different difficult environment for investment banking particularly a house that concentrates on , on corporate finance er there has n't been a great deal of M and A activity and if , if there has it has n't been a very high erm very high ticket .
16 With the amazing eyesight that had helped him become a great player , Luke pointed out egrets , storks and even a snake that whisked into its hole before Perdita could see it .
17 Instead the orbs had sunk back and there was a darkness to the face , a suppressed despair , even an agitation that spoke of tedious things , so unlike those experiences we had laughed over in the past .
18 You know maybe a vacuum that needed to be filled by and They looked at the case of the quarry strike and it 's sort of so glaring obvious for men and women all over the country that it 's er really a case of er wo working men and women being erm well being trampled upon really .
19 However , if it is accepted , then a bird that dies at age x ( in completed years ) lives on average ( x + ½ ) years .
20 Mrs Browning gave an exclamation of astonishment — a great breathing-out and almost a groan that came with it — and Mr Browning simply stared at her in disbelief .
21 As I implied in the notes on the previous chapter , incorrect stress placement is the major cause of intelligibility problems for foreign learners , and is therefore a subject that needs to be treated very seriously .
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