Example sentences of "[adv] and with [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 … if environmental problems are pursued rigorously enough and with sufficient attention to likely contributions from other disciplines they may foster constructive alterations in public policy but at the same time may stimulate new research and refinement of research methodology to the benefit of geographic discipline .
2 He was so drunk that his words came thickly and with great difficulty as if he had been wounded .
3 The resolution noted that self-determination , either in a purely Basque framework or sharing sovereignty partially or fully with " other peoples " , could only come about gradually and democratically and with due regard to " historical context " .
4 They made love slowly and with deep appreciation of the way their bodies fitted together perfectly , like pieces of a perfect puzzle .
5 However , while battles such as those of the Jarama ( February 1937 ) , Guadalajara ( March 1937 ) and Brunete ( July 1937 ) were fought bitterly and with heavy casualties on both sides , as the Civil War entered its second year the fronts around Madrid had changed little since the previous November .
6 The girl has been in a council children 's home and with foster parents since being made a ward of court .
7 time and again the Ministerial contribution to penal policy-making … lies not in the Minister 's bringing in his own fresh policy ideas , but in his operating creatively and with political drive upon ideas , proposals , reports , etc. , that are , so to speak , already to hand , often within the department but sometimes in the surrounding world of penal thought .
8 Carry out duties and responsibilities conscientiously and with proper regard for the employers ' interests .
9 But the others evidently had not , or Rufus had not , walking jauntily and with swinging stride across the tarmac , his stethoscope bobbing up and down , letting himself into the main hospital block , Shiva later saw , by a door marked ‘ Private ’ , which he slammed behind him with a fine disregard for the notices exhorting all to silence .
10 Mine takes place in my flat , all over the living-room carpet , with maps spread out like prayer mats and cats lying triumphantly and with great precision on the co-ordinates that are of particular interest .
11 The last winter of the war passed uncomfortably and with agonising slowness for the two women at Four Winds , together with their infant charge .
12 Hotspur forgot his preoccupations for a moment , and looked more closely and with quickening affection at his friend .
13 He listened soberly and with growing dismay to what the young bank officer from Jeddah had to say , and scanned the computer printouts across his desk with a practised eye .
14 The bay itself is a large natural safe sailing area , about a mile across , the perfect spot to play safely and with great freedom on windsurfers or exciting performance dinghies .
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