Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bob Stokes , who was coach of the side when they last won the trophy ( under the guise of Whitburn ) has since been to the final on six occasions ( with Whitburn and Team Scottish Farm ) and lost every time .
2 The province has since been in the forefront of China 's efforts to reassure foreign businessmen that its door will be staying open for ‘ business as usual ’ .
3 Consequently such services have only been under the administration of health authorities for a short while .
4 He barely speaks Italian and in fact has only been to the country of his ancestry once — on a school trip .
5 Both were initiated by Billy , a 16-year-old with a recently acquired impairment who had only been with the group for a year .
6 Payton who had only been on the field for six minutes put Celtic further ahead in the 66th minute when he accepted a left wing pass from Collins to shoot low into the net from six yards .
7 But she had only been on the mountain for two hours , three at the most .
8 Glancing at the clock on the wall now , Rory realised to her amazement that he 'd only been in the farmhouse for three hours .
9 Christ , I 'd only been in the hospital for about ten minutes before I snuffed it ! ’
10 The Upside Down Catfish tend to nip one another as they swim round the tank — they 've only been in the tank for five days , so would the nipping be due to the fact that they 're still settling in ?
11 He had only been in the cellar for about one minute when the ghost appeared and he had had no time to doze .
12 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
13 In most cases they did not go far or , if they did , the paths from their region to the city had been well-trodden by kinsmen and neighbours , like the hawkers and seasonal building workers who had long been in the habit of coming up to Paris from central France , whose numbers grew with the constructional work of Paris until , after 1870 , they turned from seasonal into permanent migrants .
14 Well , it was n't till the Tuesday of the week after when we 'd all been to the funeral at the crematorium that Inspector Bush came in again .
15 The carpet has obviously been in the family for years , too , and the Rembrandt is unrestored and almost completely black .
16 This , too , has been a frequent component of the instruction , though the emphasis has generally been on the retrieval of information from the stock , with the organization and communication of this information for effective learning left in the background .
17 But Britain has already been through the ordeal of restructuring needed to meet the fierce competition from Asia and , increasingly , the Third World .
18 But the finality of the announcement is another cruel blow to the young princes who have already been through the wringer over revelations in the Andrew Morton book Diana : Her True Story .
19 How much more able to make that judgement were those colleagues who had already been on the board for seven years or more ? ’
20 Well they 'd already been to the pantomime at your school so you 'll have to wait till next year now .
21 When we 'd finished I asked if we could wash up and run the errands but she said she 'd already been to the shops with her brother .
22 The " ceremonious stomachs " of Russian ambassadors " whose Nation stands so much on Ceremony " were the subject of comment in England in the early years of the century , as they had already been in the reign of Elizabeth .
23 British air travel before the war had largely been in the hands of two companies , British Airways for European services and Imperial Airways for services further afield .
24 Tosh and Les have just been on the phone to us up there have n't they ?
25 Things might have been a little different if Tony Crosland had still been at the Department of Education and Science , but I doubt it .
26 Although the main emphasis in Jewish eschatology has always been on the fate of the nation , the doctrine of personal immortality ( which originated with Zarathustra 's passionate belief in the justice of God ) seems to have been adopted by the Jews during or after their Babylonian exile .
27 The 1988 social security changes have always been on the agenda of the project and with the abolition of additional requirements and single payments , new sources of support must be found for the core families .
28 Having always been on the periphery of Europe it has not hindered our successful trading in the past .
29 Tealtaoich said , ‘ You have always been on the side of justice , Trees ; come with us and fight with us and for us , as you have done in the past . ’
30 The poets had always been on the side of the people .
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