Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Years of close military co-operation , including joint work in missile development , have given Egypt valuable information about its former Iraqi ally , which has presumably been passed on to the Americans .
2 Derek Casey , the Council 's director of national services , said : ‘ A six-man emergency committee has since been set up by the ABA and major changes and re-structuring , which we think are absolutely essential for the future of amateur boxing , are now being made .
3 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
4 There the Kaszubians occupied smallholdings ; all the better farmland towards the coast had long since been taken over by the Germans .
5 EASING London 's increasing traffic congestion by means of road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson .
6 Easing London 's increasing traffic congestion by road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson who told the Commons transport committee that it would be impractical .
7 The first has effectively been ruled out by the odd admission by the federalists , and has been dealt with earlier .
8 The idea has effectively been ruled out by the Commission 's clear reference to the need for a ‘ common economic policy ’ , but the myth that it is possible to separate one from the other persists in Britain .
9 Castle continues to value video copyrights on a historical cost basis because its catalogue has only been built up over the last two or three years and there is less earnings experience on which to base a valuation .
10 Lord Mayor , I 've only been brought up under the National Health Service for thirty two years and I feel sorry for that poor doctor .
11 ‘ Remember , ’ I reminded him , ‘ that his foot has only been held up by the pressure of that piece of wood .
12 But these problems have apparently been ironed out in the current batch of models .
13 Partly because the machinery of repression has been so all-embracing for so long , stifling any messages of opposition before they reached a platform , and partly because Romania has for so long been cut off from the mainstream of European thinking and political change , constructive ideas have been hard to come by .
14 Then the mill acted as something of a milling centre , grinding corn and animal feed for surrounding parishes that lacked milling capabilities or , like Eastington , whose mills had long been turned over to the woollen trade .
15 Certain aspects of environmental monitoring have long been carried out by the private sector , notably that of crop states on a world-wide basis .
16 It was therefore with great irritation that I noticed a day or two later that they had all been moved back to the ‘ General Interest ’ section .
17 Lighting , heating , ventilation have all been carried out on the most approved modern principles .
18 It meant he had finally been accepted back into the Royal fold after being stripped of his OBE when he was jailed for tax evasion .
19 While the original purchase price was £28.8 million , the property had already been written down in the balance sheet to take account of the general fall in values .
20 William Tidbury stated that on 11 December he had been working until late at a local farm ( this had already been borne out by the farmer ) .
21 True also that property questions had already been separated off from the main business , to be handled by the British Rail Property Board ( also on a regional basis , but with somewhat different geographical areas from those used by the operating regions ) .
22 ‘ I mean I 'd really like to , but I 've already been shouldered out of the Nativity play .
23 But she had insisted , and although the room was warm , and the kitchen stove had already been made up for the night , I had gone — yet it was a strange experience to me , and rather a frightening one , to have been persuaded by someone near to me into doing even so small a thing I felt to be hazardous . )
24 The night I went the original leads , Darcey Bussell ( Princess Rose ) and Jonathon Cope ( her Prince ) , had already been rotated out of the cast in favour of Viviana Durante and Stuart Cassidy .
25 The mapping or transformation rules to convert the conceptual model in the form of entities , attributes and relationships , to a logical model which could be relational , hierarchical or network has already been touched on in the relevant sections .
26 To a plea from the military that the United States should engage in " positive , dynamic and timely action " before the Soviets acquired " atomic plenty " , Dulles replied that , short of preventive war which had already been ruled out by the administration , the Soviets were bound to develop a nuclear arsenal which sooner or later would threaten the United States with unacceptable levels of destruction .
27 It is believed the haul has already been smuggled out of the country .
28 In this case the user only needs to specify the bucket size required from the alternatives provided , as the formatting and addressing have already been carried out by the manufacturer .
29 At least ten works have already been snapped up at the private view , so my advice is to get to Billingham as soon as you can .
30 A chain of self-help groups has already been set up throughout the country by concerned parents .
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