Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [verb] [adv] by the " in BNC.

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1 Derek Casey , the Council 's director of national services , said : ‘ A six-man emergency committee has since been set up by the ABA and major changes and re-structuring , which we think are absolutely essential for the future of amateur boxing , are now being made .
2 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
3 There the Kaszubians occupied smallholdings ; all the better farmland towards the coast had long since been taken over by the Germans .
4 EASING London 's increasing traffic congestion by means of road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson .
5 Easing London 's increasing traffic congestion by road pricing has effectively been ruled out by the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson who told the Commons transport committee that it would be impractical .
6 The first has effectively been ruled out by the odd admission by the federalists , and has been dealt with earlier .
7 The idea has effectively been ruled out by the Commission 's clear reference to the need for a ‘ common economic policy ’ , but the myth that it is possible to separate one from the other persists in Britain .
8 This did not imply , however , that they had necessarily been approved either by the European Parliament or by the various national parliaments and the Commission complained that Italy had implemented fewer than half of them .
9 ‘ Remember , ’ I reminded him , ‘ that his foot has only been held up by the pressure of that piece of wood .
10 Certain aspects of environmental monitoring have long been carried out by the private sector , notably that of crop states on a world-wide basis .
11 William Tidbury stated that on 11 December he had been working until late at a local farm ( this had already been borne out by the farmer ) .
12 To a plea from the military that the United States should engage in " positive , dynamic and timely action " before the Soviets acquired " atomic plenty " , Dulles replied that , short of preventive war which had already been ruled out by the administration , the Soviets were bound to develop a nuclear arsenal which sooner or later would threaten the United States with unacceptable levels of destruction .
13 In this case the user only needs to specify the bucket size required from the alternatives provided , as the formatting and addressing have already been carried out by the manufacturer .
14 The fence was erected in order to reinforce a fence which had already been put there by the defendants ' predecessor in title , and it did not in any event enclose the disputed land …
15 Since the catastrophic drop in attendance at the National Museum of Wales — a reduction which has largely been made up by the efforts of the museum staff — there is still bitter resentment among Welsh people that a barrier prevents them from seeing the treasures of Wales that were purchased and the national museum that was established as an expression of Welsh identity .
16 The advent of mass unemployment has largely been brought about by the destruction of full-time jobs in manufacturing industry : a fall of 2 million since 1979 ( Hansard , 30 November 1987 , col. 398 ) .
17 Losing Out maintains that the widening of class differences along a whole front has largely been brought about by the Government 's ‘ success , in redistributing income and wealth towards the haves to the exclusion of the have-nots , and that this widening of class differences is playing a crucial role in the emergence of an underclass in Britain .
18 Scotland has 16 Central Institutions , which are similar in function to polytechnics in England and Wales , though they have always been controlled centrally by the Scottish Education Department rather than by local education authorities .
19 He has never deified himself ; that role has always been taken on by the press , or more usually , the fans .
20 No profession wor-thy of the name has ever been impelled merely by the monetary reward .
21 It has also been spurred on by the growing tendency for young adults to seek accommodation away from their parents ' home and , particularly in the 1980s , by the increase in the numbers of young adults resulting from the baby boom .
22 Criticism of alleged ‘ foreign interference ’ by Western embassies and news organisations in Burmese affairs has also been stepped up by the military .
23 Schimberni 's 10-year investment plan for the FS had also been received unfavourably by the Transport Minister Carlo Bernini , whose preference had been for a programme with greater emphasis on capital projects .
24 By undertaking extravagant adventures aimed at preserving lives which have clearly been called in by the Great Reaper , doctors are not serving the best interests of their clients , which is I take it , their first duty .
25 Her entrance had clearly been arranged beforehand by the Headmistress .
26 The Guardian of April 25 commented that the Hungarian government hoped that " the new law will provide the much-needed impetus for Hungary 's privatization programme and unlock the door to foreign investors who have so far been put off by the uncertainty over who owns what " .
27 With the help of the team while they were in Africa , a Transport Manager ( employed by the Government of Zimbabwe ) was selected as part of this project and has now been followed up by the appointment of a transport adviser ( employed by SCF ) to provide ongoing advice and guidance in implementing the proposed arrangements .
28 The highway — the area 's only direct access to the regional capital Schwyz — was closed and has now been cut completely by the rock fall .
29 The mail-order scheme for cycle helmets run by the Scottish Road Safety Campaign has now been taken on by the ‘ Hard Helmet Scheme ’ .
30 These have now been laid down by the UKCC in its Code of Professional Conduct for the Nurse , Midwife and Health Visitor .
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