Example sentences of "[adv] [that] she [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Better that she should suffer his anger and displeasure than that he should fall into the clutches of the lord of Parfois .
2 At the start she would rehearse arranging them with the nun so that she would do it well when she got to the Hogans , but as the weeks went by she grew in confidence .
3 To get her into a routine , I started leaving food out at the same time and place every day , always whistling the same tune , so that she would associate it with being fed .
4 She waited on the landing a long time , hating the awful quietness and longing for them to start shouting again so that she would know everything was all right .
5 Might not some echo of it reach her mind , so that she would know someone of hers had been near ; that she had not been deserted ?
6 I thought I would dig it up again , and put it in her bed , all covered with mould , so that she would know it was dead , but after a while she stopped crying , so I left it there .
7 ‘ Other than this job , ’ she added challengingly , some perverse part of her almost wishing he would attempt to deprive her of it so that she would have something real , present and immediate to fight him for .
8 She heard him but kept her back turned so that she would have his arms around her and then she could wriggle inside them to face him .
9 In a very short space of time , she had demolished two more such beef sandwiches supplied by Mr Beckenham , with the addition of a large slice of pie , the whole washed down with gulps of water in between , only so that she might clear her mouth for more food .
10 Araminta had been driven to the celebrations in the gig by Adam Diggory , scorning Benedict 's escort , and Mrs Diggory had been permitted to accompany them so that she might visit her mother , who lived on the Switham estates .
11 She walked out of the cottage where she and Pilade were lodged in charge of Mr Landor and along the road to Siena so that she might see them approach before anyone .
12 ‘ I thought you would wish to know , sir , that Her Ladyship is making good progress and I should like to take her further afield to tackle typical hunting country , so that she may get plenty of practice before she actually attends a meet . ’
13 Then the gong sounded for tea , which somehow had to be endured , the shrimps shelled , the bread buttered , the milk and tea poured into the cups , Victoria 's cake to be cut into fingers so that she could eat it all up .
14 They took her in their arms and lifted her gently so that she could feel their support along the length of her body .
15 And then , his right hand , rising to undo the buttons of her high-collared black dress , his other arm unconsciously straining her to him , closer and closer so that she could feel his arousal brought on a memory so dreadful to McAllister , a memory which she had fought against for months — and fear suddenly won the battle .
16 A shudder ran through him at the touch of her fingers and he drew her closer , crushing her against the powerful length of his body so that she could feel his heart thundering against her breast .
17 And though she half hoped that Friend would wheel alongside her so that she could ignore him , he did n't appear .
18 He hauled the basket up the slope , towards the place where Jinny had been , so that she could retrieve hers , but he did not stop there .
19 She suddenly wished that she had Finn here so that she could tell him a few more home truths .
20 Yes , and Isabel must know , must surely remember it , Isabel who had had such a well-developed , careful , private system for the storing , ordering , labelling , arrangement and organisation of things , whose books were in a certain line , so that she could tell you at once , and without ever having to get up , what sat next to what and where Lewis and Short or Cassell 's French-English would be found , were she to consent to your borrowing them because you had lost your own .
21 Laughing , he loosened his hold enough so that she could pull her arms free .
22 With an effort , she drove from her mind the thought of the return journey , filling it instead with the experience of the moment , absorbing the sights , the impressions and sensations , storing them in her brain , wishing she had a notebook with her so that she could record them in all their vividness and immediacy .
23 so that she could sing it over you again . ’
24 The first thing she would have to do was to raise some capital so that she could rescue something from the dregs of her father 's business .
25 She told herself she wanted to have her photograph taken so that she could send it to Aunt Sarah , but really it was for herself .
26 His mouth still quirked in the aftermath of his laughter , and she wished that he would move away from the top step so that she could pass him .
27 Further back , Judi had envied Anne her college boyfriend , had always tried to impress and amuse the older girl , had briefly tried to copy her clothes and food preferences , had longed to be asked to share her toys so that she could express her devotion through generosity .
28 Anne still met John Redmond occasionally , and tried to keep up with world affairs so that she could hold her own when talking to him .
29 She felt nauseous , and , terrified she might be sick , she pushed away his hand so that she could hold her head up .
30 Reluctantly , Jinny looked away from the woman so that she could inspect him .
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