Example sentences of "[adv] [that] i [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I place my chair to the left of the swim so that I am hidden behind the wall of rushes and have a good viewpoint of both rods .
2 I 've done that on trains , I 've done that on a tour bus quite recently , and of course the response you get can be very , very aggressive and that 's sometimes quite hard to handle but I take the precaution of always checking before I go somewhere that I 'm going to , I 'm going to be backed up , for example , erm before I go I purchase my holiday , I actually checked with the tour company that they did n't allow smoking on the buses
3 It was just that I was longing to be your hostess . ’
4 ‘ God forbid ! ’ said Dionne , ‘ just that I 'm living with a delinquent at the moment and it makes me feel mature .
5 ‘ I 'm so scared of you my spine has turned to jelly , it 's just that I 'm suffering from an overdose of terror right now .
6 He knew somehow that I was dealing with this section and gave me the serial number of a wagon and told me not to go anywhere near it .
7 But before I can do that I need to establish something even more basic : what it is exactly that I am inquiring into .
8 ‘ Still , it was n't exactly that I was thinking of , ’ the Marshal said .
9 ‘ There 's no doubt I can learn a lot about racing from Alain and I will be looking forward to that opportunity — but I have to say also that I am aiming to be my own man . ’
10 Just as I had been told repeatedly that I was destined to ‘ do well ’ , so then I was being told that I was destined to be ‘ stout ’ .
11 Now that I am working in Edinburgh you could call this brief report a ‘ Capital Update ’ !
12 Now that it was really beginning , now that I was going to be near him , I felt as strung up and as energized as Zak , and no doubt suffered the same compelling anxiety that things should n't go wrong .
13 I remembered it quite clearly now that I was walking towards it .
14 Well I 've lived in quite a few places , I 've , I say , before I came here , I was at mother and baby Home , and before that I was living with friends in Liverpool , and before that I was in Nottingham at a bed and breakfast place , lodgings , and er
15 My father had told me years before that I was born under the starsign of the Dog because Sirius was overhead at the time .
16 ‘ It was over two months ago that I was approached about the job , terms were agreed and I was a part of Bill Fox 's presidential platform .
17 Everton 's Peter Beardsley made a less optimistic assessment : ‘ When we get players injured there 's nothing like the depth of talent in reserve here that I was used to at Liverpool .
18 It was then that I was struck by another passage in Mothers and Daughters : ‘ As the middle- aged daughter develops reasonable expectations of her ageing mother , she will be able to develop reasonable self-expectations in relation to her daughter .
19 I did n't know then that I was going to be a politician . ’
20 I knew then that I was going to be an artist .
21 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
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