Example sentences of "[adv] [that] it [vb mod] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But before she did that she would have to become famous at something else so that it would be extra sad when she renounced the world and went to work in a leper colony .
2 But the electrophysiological examples I have described go some way to countering Wittgenstein 's negative assertion : ‘ No supposition seems to me more natural than that there is no process in the brain correlated with associating or with thinking ; so that it would be impossible to read off thought-processes from brain-processes ’ ( Zettel , paragraph 608 , Anscombe 's translation , 1967 ) .
3 For example , regulatory agencies should be strengthened , particularly in their legal departments , so that it would be possible to nurture a pool of state lawyers sufficiently specialized and experienced to be a fair match for corporate lawyers .
4 The intensity of these hatreds was such as to ensure that at the christening of a male child his right hand was kept clear of the water so that it would be free for unhallowed retribution upon family enemies .
5 It is clearly for the mother in this case to establish to the court that the interests of the children lie in their remaining in England , and that their future can appropriately be determined here so that it would be proper to allow those matters to prevail over the purpose and philosophy of the Convention .
6 It is clearly for the mother in this case to establish to the court that the interests of the children lie in their remaining in England , and that their future can appropriately be determined here so that it would be proper to allow those matters to prevail over the purpose and philosophy of the Convention .
7 She therefore proposed that my father should pretend to fall in love with her difficult and very homesick Italian friend so that it would be clear to her parents that there was no hope of getting him for Fiona . ’
8 Even though the problem shows that the full crime was consummated , the culprits may be convicted of attempt or incitement , so that it may be relevant to mention these crimes — though normally , of course , the indictment would be for the completed crime , not for a mere attempt or incitement .
9 The Guidance says that where they intend " to limit the way in which a parent meets his responsibility this should be discussed with the parent and incorporated in the plan of arrangements for the child whilst in care so that it may be subject to periodic review " ( para 3.68 ) .
10 Moreover , some of the new units will be designed for one or two persons , so that it may be possible to come closer to a one for one replacement on cleared sites than would be expected by past experience .
11 There are plans to illuminate the outside of the house so that it will be possible , from time to time , to admit visitors after dark and to hold evening functions .
12 The system is being developed so that it will be possible for individual chambers to identify particular court cases .
13 I wonder whether the Minister can tell us whether the project at Grimethorp is now securely funded , so that it will be able to complete its programme of 1,250 hours of operation ?
14 The Scottish Office ex-tended the powers of the institution to award degrees , which it won only last year , so that it will be able to run Masters degree courses from next month .
15 Its magnitude is officially given as below 9 , so that it should be invisible with binoculars ; I have suspected it with × 12 or higher magnification , but it is difficult to be sure , as there are scattered disconnected stars around .
16 Of the various bridges considered so far , only the Hay bridge mentioned in section 7.4 features balance conditions that exhibit an explicit dependence on frequency so that it can be used to measure the frequency of the source in terms of appropriate components .
17 Whether you will be able to do the job in a vacant spot in the vegetable plot , at the back of a border or wherever , a suitable area has to be earmarked and reserved so that it can be empty and vacant from the second half of September on .
18 Thus , organisations are open systems , and transactions across the organisational boundary take place continuously , so much so that it can be difficult in practice to define exactly where an organisation stops and its environment begins .
19 This is not to say that we need take so unconscionable a time to establish industrial democracy , but only that it would be naive to suppose that there will be no doubts and difficulties — and that it would be a great mistake to let them deter us from starting from present worse to go to prospective better .
20 He knew that the animal would either kill Sir Henry or would hurt him so badly that it would be easy to complete the murder . ’
21 At the time of the announcement it had occurred to no one that the thirtieth was a Sunday ; then , rather than admit the error , the Board had to announce further that it would be open for the reception of plans until noon , sabbath or no sabbath .
22 They argue further that it should be possible to eliminate the long-term effect by a procedure designed to extinguish a context — stimulus association — the procedure they used was that of giving a period of exposure to the context alone between initial exposure to the target and the conditioning phase .
23 And on a major project like that it might be sensible to bill that sort of thing into the fees at the at the outset .
24 And I thought , if I can win owt like that it 'll be nice for her .
25 And certainly there is a good deal of empirical evidence to show also that it would be successful .
26 It was suggested also that it would be useful to provide staff with a note describing the range and capability of some of the specialist software now installed on garden PCs .
27 The examination by Mr. Griffith-Jones 's sub-sub-committee , mentioned in paragraph 3 , showed also that it would be difficult to frame an indictment charging theft by false pretences .
28 For the first time I saw clearly that it would be impossible to go through the rest of my life with a barrier in my mind between the baby and its conception .
29 There are so many different types of tills and cash registers in use today that it would be impossible to describe them all ; they range from the old ‘ press button ’ type to modern , computerised systems .
30 There are more than 600 varieties of mint which interbreed so readily that it can be hard to tell them apart .
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