Example sentences of "[adv] [that] i [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I say ‘ solitary c. ’ because they gave me a little ward of my own , but it was anything but uncomfortable , as they gave me a treatment which ‘ private ward ’ patients in Britain might envy , except that the food of course was Chinese , and they insisted on giving me 5 meals a day , so that I had some trouble getting my appetite back to normal .
2 I 'm sorry I told ya and not only that I bought that camera the other week did n't I ?
3 I ought to say straight away that I have some sympathy with some of the Scottish Conservatives .
4 It 's just that I hate that expression , that 's all . ’
5 I should say also that I take some comfort from noticing that the judgments were reserved for five months .
6 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
7 The plethora of adjectives point , again , towards self-dramatisation , and it is clear to me now that I used this device as a means of bearing depression in general .
8 Underneath that I have another article to which was kicked out sometime later but I have it in here , it says , raid on Gdynia would surprise to Nazis to say refugees in Sweden tell how the non Germans cheered in the streets but the two refugees eye witnesses to the American Bombing Attack on Gdynia , October ninth , reported here that the raid caught the Germans by surprise and that non German workers stood in the streets and cheered amid terrific destruction .
9 The L N E R and L M S. And er I could see then that I knew that superintendent in the private days of the railways .
10 Then that I got that book back when I became a full time official it was still in the still in the office .
11 It is for this reason therefore that I think that sector six is more likely to threaten coalescence with existing communities than sectors one or two .
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