Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [pron] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was bad enough that he had this damn-fool obsession with programming — if he had got his priorities right in the first place , he and Emma might have made some headway . ’
2 On the day I fished the Tarn , however , a long summer heatwave and a freak wind had brought algae up from the lake bottom so that they hung ill suspension , turning the lake the colour of pea soup .
3 He picked up a second kitten , dangled one from each hand , swung them so that they hit each other .
4 The office that led off it was larger , with two desks positioned so that they faced each other .
5 Croydon cars already had cushioned seats of the highest standard on both decks and chromium plated handrails , so that they required less modification than the ex-L.C.C. cars rebuilt at the same time .
6 At this distance in time we simply do not know in detail how the clerks did their jobs , for there were no manuals of office procedure , and the functional tasks gradually evolved so that they bore little resemblance to their forebears .
7 He threw the handkerchief carelessly into a laundry basket , then before she knew what was happening , he was kissing the tips of her fingers , then her palms , then drawing her hands towards him so that she had little choice but to slide her arms around him and receive his kiss .
8 The extreme cruelty of his words threw her totally off balance , so much so that she lost all colour , as , half dizzy , she turned away to hide her shock .
9 She loved to walk out into the villages where she would sit round the fire or outside a hut shelling peanuts with a family , so that she learned first hand many of the African customs and quickly mastered the language .
10 erm so that y so that you expected this sort of measure of service and if you were told the , if you were told the circumstances you might have said well that 's okay , no problem .
11 I say ‘ solitary c. ’ because they gave me a little ward of my own , but it was anything but uncomfortable , as they gave me a treatment which ‘ private ward ’ patients in Britain might envy , except that the food of course was Chinese , and they insisted on giving me 5 meals a day , so that I had some trouble getting my appetite back to normal .
12 And it did hit , so that I did suitable amount of gasping and goggling and even Mala drew in her breath with a hiss .
13 At the meeting the SOC finally ceased its efforts to amend the UN draft plan so that it made explicit mention of " genocide " , in reference to the appalling human rights record of the Khmer Rouge government of the late 1970s .
14 Sony Corporation 's Tape Recorder Division tried to redesign a small portable tape recorder so that it gave stereophonic sound .
15 Only that he had more money than he could count , but she knew that already .
16 I 'm sorry I told ya and not only that I bought that camera the other week did n't I ?
17 Right , it 's just that we had this issue in support of other research a questionnaire and in support key divisions , sorry , key departments have lists of named individuals who can authorise questionnaires .
18 It 's just that he went one way and I went another .
19 A Prague newspaper said yesterday that he weighed 36 stone .
20 THE ISRAELI government said yesterday that it hoped Middle East peace talks could resume after a UN statement welcoming its attempt to resolve the dispute over its mass deportation of Palestinian militants .
21 I recall from when I saw it later that it made excellent footage .
22 Franco , however , had already shown clearly that he wanted total victory and now indicated that he would contemplate nothing short of unconditional surrender .
23 I had had nothing to read for three months , and now that we had some time to ourselves reading was a good way of distracting myself from the immediacies of life around me .
24 Now that she took another look at it , it was a rather insignificant sort of nose on which any pair of spectacles might be expected to slip .
25 She 'd go shopping , now that she had some money , or go to see places that she 'd heard of .
26 Part of the idea may have been a selfish desire to limit citizenship to as few people as possible , now that it brought greater material advantages .
27 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
28 The plethora of adjectives point , again , towards self-dramatisation , and it is clear to me now that I used this device as a means of bearing depression in general .
29 He looked at me and said ’ Last time I voted Liberal Democrat and the time before that I voted Liberal Democrat , but this time it 's serious so I 'm going to vote Tory . ’
30 His arms were raised above his head but not raised so far that he showed any fear either .
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