Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] up [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's not the best skate mag on the shelf then we had better give up and take up flower pressing .
2 No , we 'll have to have a look tomorrow they 'd better hurry up and eat though had n't they ?
3 you 're not going without me I said you 'd better hurry up and get bloody dressed then had n't you ?
4 Why do n't you just give up and go back down to London ?
5 Now these do n't just add up or cancel out .
6 he walks past there , if he really wanted to bust us that bad he 'd probably just come up and say right
7 does n't say all that much , she 'll probably just get up and walk out of the room or , or heave a big sigh or something .
8 You see a working , well of course they do get them up nowadays , but in th you were supposed t to stay in bed for at least a fortnight after the mother was born but you a lot of these mothers used to hop out of bed when the midwife had gone , and , and I mean if they 'd got two or three children and a husband coming in and they had n't got a mother or a neighbour or somebody to come in and do the cooking , i I mean she 'd just get up and get on with it herself .
9 But why does n't she just shut up and get on with it , like everybody else ?
10 No sound was more typical of Iran-contra than the dropping of a secret , like a stone , into otherwise peaceful conversation ; at which the other participants would carefully get up and walk away .
11 He was not reading the district well this evening , he might as well give up and go home .
12 ‘ We might as well give up and die right here . ’
13 ‘ You were saying we might as well give up and die right here , ’ said Granny Morkie helpfully .
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