Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 the habits and practice of the French courts are different from our own , and … when the cross-examination of [ the ] witness is most material , and will alone enable me to judge of the effect of his examination-in-chief , I decline to delegate my discretion to any other tribunal .
2 You obviously harbour some resentment against your ex-boyfriend too , but telling him about the abortion now wo n't necessarily help you to cope with the guilt you are feeling .
3 We said that this in no way lessens the grief , but it does perhaps help us prepare for the event .
4 Can I just comment I think on the process , what happens is , is that in fact the application is made by the director of property services , we do n't now have a first resolution or a second resolution .
5 it just stopped short of the window , well no it was quite short you know , you could just see it aiming for the window , luckily it was plugged in
6 Once fish become totally preoccupied , to the extent that they will ignore all other baits , including natural food , they become so intent on feeding they also become almost oblivious to many of the danger signals , i.e. noise and the disturbance of hooked shoal-mates , that would normally have them scuttling to the four corners of the pool .
7 It was no use arguing with Smith , he 'd just have him dropped from the team .
8 I could n't just have them standing at the back .
9 When costs are so profitable why would they need full-time employees , they can just have us stood at the door any d any g at the gate any week they want , begging for a day 's work .
10 ‘ Never mind , Piper , get your kilt on and get over there fast , or you will soon hear him bellowing throughout the area. ,
11 Quick thinking on the part of the father will soon have him sprinting after the runaway , and similarly quick thinking on the part of the camera operator will result in a cut from the distant child to one of the rescuer as he sets off .
12 Hosepiping the camera back and forth is a bad technique : it makes the audience feel giddy and will soon have it heading for the way out .
13 He did not see why anyone , even a wealthy mill-owner , would want to drive a horse and carriage backwards down such a steeply sloping yard when he could just as easily leave it standing in the driveway .
14 Surely they could n't just let her go at the end of the three years ?
15 We ca n't just let it disintegrate into the dust . ’
16 It survived for quite a long time , until the accumulating ash had built up to such a thickness that its chain would no longer allow it to keep above the ash , and it died , its dreadful last moments clearly visible in its taut body , arched back and straining neck .
17 And he would somehow persuade her to part with the Fabergé desk set .
18 Nicholas Soames , the aristocratically toned and booming Tory MP for Crawley , can still make him stumble at the despatch box by muttering ‘ Another G and T , Giovanni ’ .
19 If someone is going to put off a lot of their own money in order to get into parliament , we can , then we can hardly trust them to look to the general interests once they 're there , they 'll want a return on their investment of some sorts .
20 I can still picture him standing in the centre circle wth both arms held above his head with a grin from East stand to west stand !
21 Canon is now saying bravely that its huge $100m investment in NeXT Inc will still bring it benefits in the long-term .
22 Although the rules laid down that he could not directly intervene he hissed at the hen who dutifully shrieked out a loud distress call .
23 And I can also remember him standing in the hall with my mum and her saying , ‘ I am going out ! ’ and him , for some reason I will never understand , bursting into tears .
24 This will also enable you to decide on the size of transformer needed to power them ; most transformers included in low-voltage kits can usually cope with only four or six lights , so check before you buy .
25 Benny did n't really want her to come to the party , but for once Mother had been insistent .
26 That 'll really have them rolling in the aisles .
27 Officials did n't even want them to appear on the track as they stage-managed another two-hour show for the audience at home .
28 They carry your luggage and your provisions ; they will even keep you amused along the way by pulling faces .
29 Probably does nt even let him speak to the staff there .
30 We are talking about care in the community , we know there a on routine fifty thousand pounds extra to community voluntary groups which we can well afford it flies in the face of the group , the instincts of the people that we represent and what the government is expecting .
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