Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [adj] [noun] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You can only you can only s you can only see light A if you A if there 's something if if you 've got an organ to see it with and B if it 's shining on something .
2 Second , there are many loopholes in the legislation ; for instance , until very recently a woman could only claim equal pay if she were doing the identical work of a man and , since occupations are typically segregated by sex , it is often difficult to find such a comparable man .
3 They 'd only drink doped water if it smelled all right to them . ’
4 ‘ Those worst hit will be people like nurses , teachers , police officers and local government employees — people who pay their taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts . ’
5 ‘ The worst hit will be people who pay taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts ’ ‘ What is the point of having laws and courts if large numbers of people can not use them because of the price ? ’
6 Neither will you ever make old bones if you do n't take more care of yourself .
7 Farmers will always choose male vets if they have the option . ’
8 Do n't leave these details to anyone else , because such apparently minor considerations can very quickly become major omissions if they are not looked after .
9 ‘ The few who decide to stay on board can still attend normal surgeries if they feel it to be necessary , and the likelihood of a real emergency developing in the meantime is pretty remote .
10 But you can always find good people if you look for them . ’
11 Other birds of prey may also arouse strong responses if they sit in a conspicuous position during the daylight hours .
12 Government expenditure also encourages consumption and hence economic growth even though they may also have detrimental effects if they exceed certain high levels — a claim that will be discussed in the following chapter .
13 You can also hire personal guides if you wish .
14 The system will also suffer severe difficulties if it lacks legitimacy with its own employees , including prison staff and probation officers .
15 Educated Africans , he saw , would only fully accept European rule if they were given some access to the central institutions of government .
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