Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She marvelled even more though when Cara 's basic efficiency surfaced as she declared , ‘ By my calculations you 'll still have time to get down to Dover after you 've dropped me off at the airport . ’
2 There are certain associates , who 're not going to use a rate book , there 's associates who er , because you 're doing a two appointment sale , will always have time to come back to the office and get a computer quote and go back with the right answer .
3 Elizabeth listened intently , till she could practically see steam puffing out of the ears of Seumas Ban and Lady Bridhe .
4 More and more old people will also have capital tied up in a house .
5 The creation of air-mobile strategic reserves could lead , they thought , to a reduction in static overseas garrisons ; and the replacement of troop-ships by trooping-aircraft should also save manpower locked up in the trooping pipeline .
6 I only looked , I did take quickly a look at them but , you know I thought oh I ai n't got I did n't really have time to mess about for long you know .
7 If you were away last week can you please leave space to catch up with the writing which you will do in your own time .
8 They 've grown fat on gold , not the Garrimperos They 're a strong political lobby and would never allow business to close down over the little matter of mercury .
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