Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [prep] some [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 However , items like lighting , heating and telephone will probably show an increase , and you should perhaps build in some kind of an allowance .
2 An inability to mature adequately out of the phallic , Oedipal phase will usually not only result in some degree of genital inhibition later in life and a fixation on infantile sexual gratifications such as masturbation , voyeurism , sado-masochism , etc. , but also reduce the force of the cultural prohibitions which the original phallic-Oedipal trauma of our forefathers precipitated , namely those against parricide and incest .
3 Some of those who thought the statement was true may have had very few experiences of extended dreams , and for them " dreaming " may literally consist of some recollections of thoughts or images which occurred immediately before waking up .
4 Soap opera watchers do n't just stick to some sort of naive interest in characters and plot .
5 Only those with a medical problem which might be aggravated by physical activity should hesitate before stepping into action , but providing they have a word with their doctor first , even severely disabled people will usually benefit from some kind of exercise .
6 Although it will have overtaken OS/2 's share by this time , Unix will still account for some 32% of servers systems sold by this time , the market research group says .
7 Indeed , if goldfish and carp are placed in a pool , providing that the proportion of males and females is reasonably balanced , they will probably breed with some measure of success of their own accord without the pool owner needing to become involved .
8 We can now look at some applications of these principles to teaching .
9 The leaders of the groups that he mentions might well come to some sort of compromise — I might have achieved that — but I would not be able to command a majority of Members , who have other ideas .
10 However , since it is obvious that human society could never advance without some sort of leadership structure , what makes us think the family , society 's basic unit , would be any less an anarchy with equal responsibility ?
11 You should certainly benefit from some kind of major career or professional change to come around the 4th and the 11th .
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