Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun] [prep] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 He is in such demand as a speaker that he has had to make a rule that he will no longer accept invitations to functions that are unconnected with the coal industry .
2 Two er requirements for the future that er seem to be er er desirable are stealth and what could be stealthier than the present generation of aircraft and secondly to prevent you having to go over your target you 're likely to be shot down so that you need a stand up weapon capability , er if the payload is somewhat limited can it still carry stand off weapons that are effective ?
3 Will the Minister still tell people in Calderdale that no one who can not afford to pay the poll tax will go to prison for that inability ?
4 They can also catch kinds of prey that they could not catch by themselves , such as buffalo .
5 The Office can also give information on grants that are available to certain people who , at present , have no insulation in their home at all .
6 It was offensive that a party should be so unprincipled as first to defeat the Government on a matter of fundamental constitutional importance ; and , having done so , should then take office on condition that it passed the measure .
7 Whatever our conscious reasons ( ’ No , I want to remember him/her the way he/she was ' or ‘ Not in front of the children ’ ) , a dead body is not considered to be spectacle for display in Britain , and the rationale which dictates it can sometimes disguise feelings of embarrassment that such a thing could occur in our death-defying , well-regulated households .
8 Natural selection will therefore favour adaptations in males that enable them to mate with more females ; but it will favour discrimination in females , if males vary in their quality as mates .
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