Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [conj] they [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Vernon added that the fund raisers highest recompense would perhaps come when they heard the citations read for the gallantry medals to be awarded that afternoon , there being no better proof of the importance to the Institution for which everyone worked so willingly .
2 Many users will still find that they need the sophistication offered by products like QEMM .
3 That entity must be based on consensus and it must be one to which the British people will willingly belong because they appreciate the advantages to which the hon. Member for Chichester has already referred .
4 Thus the missiles ' controllers can immediately stop if they receive the emergency action message ( EAM ) before reaching the planned launch site — normally a wooded area , well away from built-up areas , to hide the weapon from prying eyes .
5 To read how my own ancestors lived in the time of the Tudors and the Stuarts and to even learn that they occupied the 10th pew adjoining the South Wall in the Myddle Church has been the inspiration to write down some reminiscences of my own childhood and of the stories related to me , in the hope that they will be of interest , not only to the present generation , but maybe , also to that 500 years hence !
6 Married women may sometimes feel that they share the Izzat of their family but they are aware that in reality Izzat belongs to the men of the family .
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