Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] on [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She is full of admiration for the care and attention she is receiving at the hospital but is already looking ahead to the time when she is strong enough to go on to a convalescent home .
2 If only to get on to the practical arrangements . ’
3 Against the implacable opposition of its lord , Aylesbury failed utterly to hold on to the corporate status granted it in 1554 .
4 I went on through , sliding the heavy plate glass aside to walk on to the humid porch where a morose looking McIllvanney slouched in a cane chair and stared through the insect screens at the darkening sea .
5 It was agreed that only ten people should tramp round the tiny cottage at a time ; the remainder were forced to mingle with the morning shoppers and then to walk on to the old St Mary 's Chapel , which once had held the shrine of Our Lady of Bradstow and to which passing ships would lower their sails in honour .
6 Before he invaded Iran in 1980 , Mr Hussein tried hard to get on with the Islamic zealots who had just seized power in Tehran .
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