Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You say he is clever , clever enough to know what he wants to do and what makes him satisfied .
2 In therapy , the whole thing is to facilitate the other person to feel safe enough to hear what they 've got to say , and I 'm the witness or advocate .
3 Those years were not long enough to do what he had hoped to do for Durham , but long enough to know what needed to be done .
4 You spend years learning something only to forget what you 've learned .
5 So everyone every everyone everyone should have a copy of the questions in their book just to tell what they 've worked on .
6 YOU only had to walk into the members ' lobby of the Commons yesterday to know what you 'd suspected for days .
7 ‘ And Taczek confessed to her that he 'd murdered Mills ? ’ asked Dexter earnestly to confirm what they had heard .
8 You do not have to draw each axis to the zero point , but you must label each axis clearly to show what you have done .
9 But last night he had refused even to consider what she had told him , tossing it to one side as though it did n't matter .
10 Its somewhat sketchy character suggests , in fact , that his main purpose was simply to finish what he had begun rather than to give urgent or forceful expression to his views .
11 As you analyse , use the methods described here to learn what you have analysed .
12 There was none had any part in it but I. Enquire no further , for I stand here to declare what I have done , and to defend it . ’
13 Peter had begun to study it on Sunday , chiefly to discover what he had had to say about Abbotsfield .
14 It is hard to know which is more frustrating : having to do what you do n't want , do n't agree with and have n't been consulted about ; or not being able , through lack of time , energy and support , actually to do what you do want .
15 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
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