Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Worthless character had now run foul of the law and was willing to take one final payment , enough to get him out of the State , and out of her life for ever .
2 Thinking you were Napoleon was clearly not enough to get you out of the Wimbledon Islamic Boys ' Independent Day School .
3 She turned away to get something out of the fridge , which turned out to be a glass bowl full of trifle .
4 Just to get them out of the house .
5 Josie said that she did n't usually get in until around six , but that there were a few extra jobs that she wanted to finish off ; Lucy had the feeling , but did n't say so , that the main point of the exercise was probably to get her out of the way before the slender red-haired woman arrived home .
6 Mainly to get me out of the house , probably , but when I told my father I was going to be an actor he immediately thought I 'd turned gay .
7 An unexpected piece of good fortune comes your way Saturday in the form of a friend or admirer willing to dig deep to help you out of a problem or into a successful proposition .
8 The US government , which has no relations with the PLO and has sought consistently to keep it out of the Middle East peace process , said the request was still being discussed five hours later when news arrived that the 62-year-old chairman had been found .
9 taking any notice erm Mum will give him titbits occasionally and you 've got ta work hard then to get him out of the habit of it .
10 Colonel Astor had bought The Times in 1922 specifically to keep it out of the clutches of Lloyd George , who was seeking a personal political base and had money to spend from his earlier sale of honours when Prime Minister .
11 But though this hope might be enough for some who were actually to lift themselves out of the working class , and perhaps also for a greater number who never got beyond dreaming of success as they read Samuel Smiles 's Self-Help ( 1859 ) or similar handbooks , it was perfectly evident that most workers would remain workers all their lives , and indeed that the economic system required them to do so .
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