Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] be [vb pp] [subord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The original receipts etc. should be obtained if possible .
2 For instance ‘ Turkish baths ’ properly should be described as Islamic baths since they have no special link with Turkey .
3 Much would be achieved if these were more widely acknowledged .
5 In summary , our basic model assumes that leakages from the circular flow ( T , S , M ) are determined within the model by income levels , and so can be described as endogenous .
6 Some are modified to transmit electric impulses and are linked into a network which amounts to a primitive nervous system ; others are able to contract in length and so can be considered as simple muscles .
7 For simplicity , we assume that both relationships are linear and so can be drawn as straight lines as in Fig. 3 .
8 ( 5 ) A sale contravening subsection ( 4 ) above may be treated as fraudulent by the buyer .
9 ( 5 ) A sale contravening sub-section ( 4 ) above may be treated as fraudulent by the buyer .
10 None of these individually could be regarded as representative .
11 GCSE passes at grade C or above will be regarded as equivalent to GCE ‘ O ’ level passes .
12 ‘ Naturally there are other kinds of practices that perforce can be described as ritualised .
13 Fingerprints , fibres of clothing , footprints or gloveprints etc. could be used where appropriate .
14 In terms of Sioux values , the acquisitive individual of Western society would at best be regarded as peculiar and more probably would be condemned as grasping , self-seeking and antisocial .
15 It is interesting to note that birds and mammals can be grouped together in evolution terms , as both evolved from two distinct reptilian stocks along independent lines ; but both can be treated as similar from a thermoregulatory point of view .
16 If something completely or partly false , however innocuous , can be shown as real for so many years , then anything false can be shown as real , and be believed … .
17 Note that bass notes are mostly dissonant with the melody , and that there has been little attempt to remove note-relationships which conventionally would be regarded as crude and unmusical .
18 John Barnsley , director of tax services at Price Waterhouse , argued in a recent letter to the Financial Times that ‘ the tendency of the ACT system to encourage profitable investment in the UK rather than overseas might be seen as helpful , with the UK in recession and 3m unemployed ’ .
19 But the thesis that the set of basic entities is finite , while not altogether implausible , needs to be argued for , and as yet must be regarded as unproved .
20 Movement of fluids , molecules , etc. can be illustrated as necessary using washable ink and then removed , allowing re-use of the basic diagram .
21 At the same time , a woman who tries to shake off her ‘ femininity ’ in order to be taken seriously will be derided as unattractive , as the remarks of James Watson on the scientist Rosalind Franklin in his book The Double Helix ( 1959 ) make all too clear .
22 This is plausible because in our common-sense construction crimes involve real people as victims ; many corporate crimes , because they fall on impersonal organizations or distant countries , fail to match this common-sense stereotype , and therefore can be viewed as non-criminal .
23 These are such a delight in spring , and they too can be included as handsome and outstanding examples of dual-role perennials .
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