Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A potentially confusing indefinite referring expression , a man armed with a bayonet , apparently relates back to the period before he was identified as ‘ a dissident Spanish priest ’ .
2 ‘ She always goes back to the attraction , but if I keep saying ‘ no ’ she will eventually learn not to do it . ’
3 But it also harks back to the leadership campaign , when this noted intellectual was reported as saying some unkind things about the cerebral quality of one candidate , a Mr John Major , who heard the reports .
4 The boat now heads back to the north shore to call at Gersau , the third of the lakeside resorts sheltered by the Rigi massif .
5 For many , the scramble for enough cash to afford the free market prices inevitably leads back to the state shops , and specifically to beer .
6 STEVE REDMOND today goes back to the club that broke his heart aiming to prove Manchester City were wrong to let him go .
7 ‘ If it simply goes back to the parliament 's corridors , lots of hard work will be wasted . ’
8 3 The leading arm then withdraws back to the body in preparation for the next move .
9 According to Halliday 's analysis , Yeats 's repeated use of the definite article in combination with an adjective before a noun ( ‘ the great wings ’ , etc. ) is unusual to the extent that , in contrast with most English usage , the article in this combination does not define anything , but instead refers back to the title ( it is ‘ anaphoric ’ rather than ‘ cataphoric ’ ) .
10 I 'll bring them little divils back to the house for ye , mam .
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