Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] that the [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But this merely says that the government must determine how much is produced .
2 As the provisions are framed , they are not quite defences ; the section merely says that the offences can not be committed when they represent a fair and accurate report .
3 The theory only requires that the learner should be a kind of humanoid receptacle in a maximal state of receptivity so that the input can enter to work its mysterious way .
4 A clause in a severance agreement which merely acknowledges that the company will issue a reference upon being approached by a prospective employer is of little use .
5 It merely hints that the world will be a better place if we support it because the unquantified benefits which will flow from it will put us on a level with Germany and France , assuming of course that we wish to be on a level with Germany and France .
6 This is a Latin phrase meaning the ‘ date after which ’ , and only means that the artefact could not have been put into the spoil after it had been dumped , but of course , could be many years earlier in date .
7 ‘ That you ’ prefaces most summons headings and merely means that the prosecution must be in a position to prove that the defendant in court is the person who they alleged committed the offence .
8 Paul is evidently referring to the Spirit when talking of this power , since he not only prays that the Spirit will reveal it to his readers , but he , in common with other New Testament writers , associates the Spirit with the resurrection of Christ from the dead ( I Tim .
9 That obviously means that the fringes will become more crowded .
10 If we force an associative adjective into predicative position , a user of English has to try to make sense of the result within a framework of interpretation , which already requires that the adjective should be taken as ascriptive .
11 But , as I have indicated , the Crown case requires that there must be ambiguity and further requires that the ambiguity must be resolved against the ordinary meaning of the word and in favour of the neutral meaning preferred and required by the Crown 's argument .
12 It further notes that the curriculum should take account of ‘ the ethnic diversity of the school population and society at large ’ , and draws attention to the principle that as wide a range of children as possible should have access to the whole curriculum .
13 The practical problems are that there may be no evidence of violence on the woman 's body , which usually means that the case will be a question of the victim 's word against the defendant 's ; this may lead the police to be sceptical of the woman 's complaint , or may incline the prosecutor to accept a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of indecent assault .
14 Such a formula would not , it seems , commend itself to Professor Williams , who further argues that the threat must not be merely a threat to withhold a benefit from the woman .
15 S 1 of the German Law Concerning the Promotion of Employment ( Deutsches Beschaftigungsforderungsgesetz ) expressly states that the employer may not discriminate against part-time employees in favour of full-time employees solely because of their part-time status .
16 In its response , the Scottish Institute also says that the OFR should not be voluntary , and recommends that , after five years , the requirement to prepare an OFR should become part of The Stock Exchange 's continuing obligations .
17 Not only does the hearer assume it is the same ‘ man ’ who is being talked about throughout , he also assumes that the man will stay in the same place unless the speaker announces that he moves .
18 It also ensures that the records can never be incorrect .
19 ‘ The council also hopes that the package will help many women who are subjected to violence to overcome the problems which prevent them from seeking help . ’
20 It is the Deutsche Bank which confidently asserts that the industry will grow by 4% a year over this decade and its conclusions are encouraging , seen from a European standpoint .
21 The use of plastic also means that the ferrule will not rust or discolour .
22 It is just this which allows subversive potential to parodic repetition but which also means that the parody will typically be inflected with the ambivalence I have described and , partly because of that ambivalence , oscillate between the political and the anarchic .
23 It also means that the laboratory can now by linked by the same AIX operating systems as the rest of the company .
24 This also means that the business can not claim back VAT on the purchases which it makes .
25 This also means that the infant can now understand a kind of ambiguity : the rattle is both ‘ absent ’ and ‘ present ’ at the same time .
26 The fact that you can place objects of the correct size in position also means that the program will help to avoid the heavy work of moving furniture or fixtures and fittings only to find they do n't fit .
27 He also implies that the exile should be dated to the reign of Clovis 's successor , Theuderic I.
28 But being a liberal-democracy also implies that the minorities must be given a chance to become a majority ; and that means , therefore , that they must be given a chance status and a means to convert the majority .
29 It also recommends that the directors should be required to make a statement about their responsibilities in relation to the accounts .
30 Their main significance is that by predicating the breach on damage to the interests of creditors and thus expanding the corporate constituency it no longer automatically follows that the breach should be ratifiable by the shareholders .
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