Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So although he has gone to some trouble to leave tracks across his own land at Highgrove specially for the local hunt , the Beaufort , he hardly ever joins them .
2 Lucy Lane had been working in his team for three years but he felt that he knew her only a little better than he had done after her first month .
3 So if he 's got to he 's ga got to re re-buy something then he just clips it down with sandpaper does he ?
4 A KGB operative and counterintelligence officer for 32 years , Kalugin had been forced to retire in March , apparently because he had complained to the CPSU central committee and in letters to Gorbachev about the need for fundamental reforms of the KGB .
5 Providing the valuer had been honest and diligent , the court should be cautious before convicting him of professional negligence merely because he had failed to be the first to spot a ‘ sleeper ’ .
6 In the week or so since he 'd returned to his studio it had once again become a place of work : the air pungent with the smell of paint and turpentine , the burned-down butts of cigarettes left on every available shelf and plate .
7 So whereas he had treated with the pro-English party in Scotland in the first half of 1543 , in 1544 it was the pro-French faction which was uppermost in his mind .
8 It was only after he had reached for it that he realized he was carrying my groceries around .
9 They included Henri de Lubac , later to be raised to the rank of cardinal , though only after he had retreated from the more extreme position on the relationship between nature and grace he had adopted in 1946 in his book Surnaturel ; Marie-Dominique Chenu , one of whose books was placed on the Index in 1942 for daring to suggest that Thomas Aquinas ought to be studied against the history of his times ; and Yves Congar , who survived to become one of the leading theologians of Vatican II .
10 It was only after he had asked for the bill that he said something that had her on guard again , although there was nothing about his lazy , ‘ Enjoy the party , did you , by the way ? ’ that should have caused her muscles — including her tongue muscles , it seemed — to instantly tighten .
11 An eventful race for Derek Warwick brought the British driver ninth place but only after he had wiped off a nose cone on his Arrows when he tangled with Nelson Piquet 's Lotus .
12 Only after he had set to work , at Halley 's urging , on the tract that eventually became the first book of the Principia did Newton abandon vortices and envisage attractive — and repulsive — forces in central bodies .
13 Notice that Parkin is able to say what he truly means only after he has broken into dialect .
14 Woodhouse retained a sense of himself as a shoemaker long after he had gone into the book trade : the title of his most important work ‘ The Life and Lucubrations of Crispinus Scriblerus ’ ( c. 1795 ) is an allusion to one of the patron saints of cobblers .
15 The Colonel was used to acting in loco parentis and would certainly not have responded as warmly as he had done to Miss Danziger 's maturity had he not discerned in it a vulnerability : something he could defend .
16 He released her as suddenly as he had come to her support and she grasped quickly and covertly at the back of another chair , not wanting him to know that her numbed leg was tingling painfully now .
17 He continued to practise photography as a hobby until 1887 , taking an ‘ unalloyed enjoyment of the art ’ , much as he had done with his drawing and engraving .
18 He straightened , whirling round on her suddenly , much as he had turned on Victor Nicholson all those years ago .
19 We did not therefore send off the telegram he had drafted to Molotov , more especially as he had received from Eden a cold and almost minatory minute just before the Cabinet began .
20 Watching from the window , Hilary grinned as she saw him hurry towards the driver , and only when he 'd climbed into the car did she move .
21 Only when he had returned to his own office did it occur to him to flick through his passport 's pages .
22 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
23 Having delayed longer than he had intended at the barrow , he even pumped the pedals on the downhill sections , always anxious about the safety of the curious evidence in his saddle bag .
24 Adam Carver had spent longer than he 'd expected with Uno .
25 He had pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges which each carried maximum sentences of one year in prison and $100,000 in fines , but he had been treated leniently because he had co-operated with independent prosecutor Lawrence E. Walsh , whose Iran-contra investigation was in its final stages .
26 Having spent himself , he had still found the will and strength to move away after he had withdrawn from her , so that they lay without touching , the space between them painfully eloquent , the gleaming coppery curve of the shoulder that he presented to her even more hurtful .
27 And it was just after he 'd flicked through one of them that Detective Constable Hodges ( blast his eyes ! ) had come in , walked over to the newspaper stall , and picked up the top copy but one from the Daily Mirror pile .
28 One day , soon after he had retired from his legal practice , Hilbert told Lewis he had made a will that was ‘ very much to your advantage ’ .
29 It had been told to him many years ago when he was a boy , shortly after he had arrived in Carewscourt .
30 He did n't always win , and occasionally he came a cropper — just as he 'd done at Masons ' gates a few days before .
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