Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He must have decided to do so because he took on an apprentice the day after he was freed .
2 Much as he mistrusted almost every Irishman with whom he came in contact on the Continent ( Bishop Clement for his disrespect of patristic authority , the priest Sampson for his cavalier attitude to the baptismal rite , Virgil of Salzburg for sowing dissension between himself and the duke of Bavaria as well as for believing that the world was round ) , Boniface 's establishing of monasteries as the learned back-up to missionary work and his devotion to the papacy and to Rome both owed something to the Irish background in England .
3 Another racking fit of coughing seized him , doubling him over and ending only when he retched up a gush of phlegm and blood .
4 So when he woke up the donkey was looking at him .
5 He jumped into the shower and felt a little better when he got out a few seconds later .
6 Shortly before he took up the study of genetics , the American biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan wrote a book , Evolution and Adaptation ( 1903 ) , arguing that evolution was governed solely by the production of saltations , and had nothing to do with adapting the species to its environment .
7 Soon after he got there the atom bomb all but ended the issue and certainly ended all active prospects for the latest intake of air crew .
8 The 31-year-old Scot skidded across the track into a fence after the back wheel of his Banco Yamaha broke away as he powered round a bend .
9 His code was no problem ; had n't she seen it enough times anyway when he powered up the network ?
10 It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry .
11 And as soon as he got home the pressure was off
12 As soon as he hung up the phone , he started to pack a few things .
13 As soon as he sat down a slave laid a plate in front of him .
14 He told us how he had been encouraged by the responses received from the agri-food industry ever since he threw out a challenge to it some four months ago .
15 I met him for the first time ever when he took over the leadership of the party from the recently deceased Hugh Gaitskell in February 1963 .
16 The aggravation did not seem to upset Jansher yesterday as he conceded only a single point to Frank Ellis as the title holders , Pakistan , started the world team championships here yesterday with a 3-0 win over Scotland .
17 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
18 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
19 So it might be possible for a 50-year-old with a heart condition to be acting reasonably if he turned down a job involving more stress and daily travel , whereas a 30-year-old executive with no personal problems who rejected the same offer might forfeit his claim to statutory redundancy pay .
20 Weaver ran through the gap between the houses , waving his right hand almost uselessly as he snapped off a second shot at Bodie .
21 ‘ I did n't think our destination mattered as long as it was private , ’ Luke countered smoothly as he switched on the light , but Maria did n't believe him .
22 Even if he shot away the locks and released the captive kids now , they had nowhere to go .
23 The coffee was hot and fragrant , and she drank greedily while he threw wide the shutters to reveal that all traces of the fog had gone and it was a clear , bright day .
24 He smiled reassuringly as he started up the engine , which obliged first time .
25 Old Red watched the older man 's slow movements clinically as he held aside the red screen , then followed him out to talk .
26 It should be noted that the accused was guilty of manslaughter , even though he intended only a battery .
27 Dicey is important precisely because he expressed both the form and substance of normativism in a clear and simple manner .
28 Mr Chris Patten , the Environment Secretary , said he was sure Mr Chope could reply comprehensively when he summed up the debate .
29 Barbados had witnessed a rather different Hanif a year earlier as he took out a 16-hour 10-minute lease on the crease and sculpted a monumental 337 against Worrell and Co .
30 Luke was silent until he drew up outside an imposingly formal grey stone house , then as he switched off the ignition he said , in tones of mock-comfort , ‘ Brace up , Merrill .
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