Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pers pn] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Their chances of success were far less where they were relegated to the position of enactor or mere facilitator , as some were .
2 Er one , in regard to how they would operate it and secondly in regard to what would be expected of them , perhaps if they were attached to one of the older type machines and not the new machines you see .
3 If this can be established as an objective truth , then this would indeed make a correctionalist approach misguided — although only if it were committed to the total elimination of deviance .
4 Whilst showing proper reluctance to enforce these convenants , the courts will , however , do so if they are shown to be reasonable …
5 The layout of the Alpha 2.0 is n't the simplest to get to grips with without some help — especially if you 're used to such simple machines as the Alesis Quadraverb — and the fact that the manual seems to require a PhD in logistics to understand just makes it all the more frustrating .
6 It 's just that the first time it happens , especially if you are used to the more genteel reduction in power and revs of a Lycoming or a Continental when you throttle back , it does n't half make the old adrenalin start flowing .
7 The votes last credited to Craig have in the present context a special significance only because they were added to the votes he had already received .
8 Like the donkey it is despised by its enemies and mistreated by its friends , but only because it is bound to be treated unfairly when it is seen unrealistically .
9 That we can not make those leaps of vision so because we are bound to a cultural view which denies their possibility . ’
10 We do , however , know that tea was valued and enjoyed in China and Japan for many centuries , long before it was introduced to India , Ceylon and Africa .
11 As Professor Verlinden has shown , the negro slave was much in evidence at the end of the Middle Ages in Portugal and Spain long before he was exported to the Americas .
12 One of us ( D.G. ) developed the model described below before it was explained to him by the second author ( R.S.C. ) that VGPs are plotted in an asymmetrical way that appears natural to the palaeomagnetist but is confusing when considering the theory .
13 The old hospital in the area had severe cockroach infestations and some of the medical records and files had been damaged , so before they were moved to the new Conquest Hospital they were all fumigated .
14 So long as it is confined to strict military targets — roads , bridges , supply depots , gun emplacements — bombing need not alienate either public opinion in the West or the ordinary Serbs who must help change the minds of their stubborn , self-styled leaders .
15 The person whose grass or corn is eaten down by the escaping cattle of his neighbour , or whose mine is flooded by the water from his neighbour 's reservoir , or whose cellar is invaded by the filth of his neighbour 's privy , or whose habitation is made unhealthy by the fumes and noisome vapours of his neighbour 's alkali works , is damnified without any fault of his own ; and it seems but reasonable and just that the neighbour , who has brought something on his own property which was not naturally there , harmless to others so long as it is confined to his own property , but which he knows to be mischievous if it gets on his neighbour 's , should be obliged to make good the damage which ensues if he does not succeed in confining it to his own property .
16 She has redpointed Ceuse 's Vagabone , which is an excellent effort , especially as it is considered to be more difficult for those of limited height .
17 The first part of the definition of a test factor should now be clear : test factors need to be introduced only when they are related to both the variables under consideration .
18 Slobs like me who iron only when they are forced to , and then only the bits that show , stand to recoup their investment after less than a year 's worth of shirts .
19 Note the startling sparsity of adjectives : she uses them only when she is forced to , so they seem pressed out of the nouns through sheer weight of need .
20 And that 's another thing you must learn : you should speak only when you 're spoken to , unless you wish to make a serious request .
21 Only when it is exposed to chemicals that harden the tissue and inhibit decay , a method known as fixation , is the brain easily studied and only then will it reveal the complexities of its organization .
22 So when it 's added to harmful substances , it makes them unpalatable .
23 David has a theory that the crop grows better when it 's exposed to music .
24 A 92½° ( or 91½7degree ; ) bend ensures that a horizontal pipe falls away where it is connected to a vertical section of pipe
25 But er this is how they they wanted the work done and it was n't a question of one man had to learn the lot you just had to do work away where you were sent to work .
26 Unused cement from open bags will last longer if it is transferred to well-sealed plastic bags .
27 Alter the final pre-operative preparations were completed , a premedication was given at 11.00 am. and Mrs Fellows dozed comfortably until she was escorted to theatre .
28 Do n't walk away cos I 'm connected to you .
29 But Crosby wo n't see them in reserve team action tonight because he 's set to be away on scouting business .
30 Who is to say that the poorer countries of Europe are to be happy with a dominant Germany just because it is said to be good for ‘ Europe ’ ?
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