Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [adj] can be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The directors may , for instance , make gifts to the employees , but only where this can be regarded as ‘ an inducement to them to exert themselves in future , or as an act done reasonably for the purpose of getting the greatest profit from the business ’ .
2 Depths less than this can be explained by the infilling of lagoons and the deposition of some material on banks .
3 Families can be encouraged to take the relative out for the day for as long as that can be managed , and to carry on visiting at least weekly .
4 I will make sure this is communicated to all staff through TOPIC as soon as this can be done .
5 You should note that , as a condition of accepting this appointment , you will be required to undertake appropriate management and other related training as soon as this can be arranged .
6 They come in a variety of sizes as do the internal filters , but a much wider choice of filtering mediums is available and more than one can be employed at a time .
7 The proposed timetable for public platforms/launches as far as these can be scheduled is as follows :
8 Modern techniques of electroencephalography ( BEG ) , however , hold out the promise of localising the electrical activity of the brain in so far as this can be detected at the scalp .
9 In any event , the courts now seem to take a softer line on police practice so far as this can be discerned from the undiscussed elements in cases that reach the law reports for other reasons .
10 It therefore behoves the courts to be ever sensitive to the paramount need to refrain from trespassing upon the province of Parliament or , so far as this can be avoided , even appearing to do so .
11 The system involves an obligation to provide evidence of having sought help from charities , friends and relations , and even if this can be provided and the request deemed a reasonable one , no payment will be forthcoming if it involves the breach of cash limits .
12 There are difficulties in identifying areas common to the brains of people and other animals and , even when that can be done , it is unclear how far one can rely on the areas working in exactly the same way .
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