Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [adj] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The directors may , for instance , make gifts to the employees , but only where this can be regarded as ‘ an inducement to them to exert themselves in future , or as an act done reasonably for the purpose of getting the greatest profit from the business ’ .
2 2.4.2 as may be [ reasonably ] required by the Architect provided that no modification shall be made pursuant to this clause 2.4.2 which would substantially alter the design layout nature capacity or standard of construction of the Premises as provided for in the Building Documents or substantially prejudice the use of the Premises for the purpose specified in the Lease It may be preferable to substitute the word " materially " for the word " substantially " in clause 2.4.2 as the latter suggests that some alteration less than substantial may be permitted but which could result in not inconsequential prejudice occurring to the design or use of the premises .
3 There were also five four-point alignments , where less than one would be expected .
4 The authors suggest that any child who achieves a score of less than 85 should be regarded as in need of further assessment and , possibly , structured intervention .
5 Numbers less than 0.1 will be printed in E format .
6 Depths less than this can be explained by the infilling of lagoons and the deposition of some material on banks .
7 Families can be encouraged to take the relative out for the day for as long as that can be managed , and to carry on visiting at least weekly .
8 Finally , it is pointed out that if times are indeed bad then , in the name of justice and humanity , more rather than less should be spent on those services in cash and kind that cater for the welfare of those in need .
9 The workhouse management committee recommended that ‘ with regard to children still in the workhouse , the older girls should be employed , when not at school , in making/mend or other useful work and as soon as practicable should be sent out as domestic servants ’ .
10 I will make sure this is communicated to all staff through TOPIC as soon as this can be done .
11 You should note that , as a condition of accepting this appointment , you will be required to undertake appropriate management and other related training as soon as this can be arranged .
12 Here the eggs are large , 3mm or more , and bright orange , more than 200 may be laid in a , clump and carefully guarded in the tunnel by the male .
13 Reserve Certificates are also available and more than one may be awarded .
14 They come in a variety of sizes as do the internal filters , but a much wider choice of filtering mediums is available and more than one can be employed at a time .
15 Numbers — Although it 's good fun for three or more people to abseil down a rope at the same time , normally no more than two should be attached to the same descendeur .
16 The only safe definition is negative : it is a school which admits pupils of all academic standards and without a test or assessment of ability ( save in so far as that may be used to secure what came to be known as ‘ a balanced intake ’ ) .
17 The proposed timetable for public platforms/launches as far as these can be scheduled is as follows :
18 In the south , it was to be a different story and with Vietminh claims recognized neither by the British/Indian forces who arrived first nor by the French who followed not long after , and with Japanese forces for the most part under much tighter control , the reassertion of French sovereignty , at least in so far as this might be done through the possession of Saigon , did not have long to wait .
19 Modern techniques of electroencephalography ( BEG ) , however , hold out the promise of localising the electrical activity of the brain in so far as this can be detected at the scalp .
20 In any event , the courts now seem to take a softer line on police practice so far as this can be discerned from the undiscussed elements in cases that reach the law reports for other reasons .
21 It therefore behoves the courts to be ever sensitive to the paramount need to refrain from trespassing upon the province of Parliament or , so far as this can be avoided , even appearing to do so .
22 The retention of the business rate , moreover , will perpetuate many of the inherent problems of the rating system , and — in so far as this will be set by Whitehall — will increase the potential for central control of local finances .
23 The final four columns of Table 11.1 give details of the financial position of the companies as far as this could be discerned from published data .
24 An American air intelligence report in February 1950 summarised the trend in so far as this could be ascertained .
25 The Interim Committee reached the decision on 26 February 1948 that UNTCOK should adhere to the original intention in so far as this could be accomplished ; elections would be supervised in the south but nothing could be done about the north .
26 In some cases , the decision about quantity ( and indeed time ) may be dictated by considerations of future supply , particularly where these may be threatened by economic or political pressures .
27 The system involves an obligation to provide evidence of having sought help from charities , friends and relations , and even if this can be provided and the request deemed a reasonable one , no payment will be forthcoming if it involves the breach of cash limits .
28 And even if this could be got round , extra sums would be needed for redundancy payments , investment and modernisation .
29 The effect of the 25 per cent reduction in fares would be to place an inordinate burden on the ratepayers , particularly because this would be accompanied by a known loss of rate support grant .
30 The more frequent presence of social problems among female GP referrals is interesting here because these might be expected to raise the possibility of alternative referral ( for example , to a social worker ) and management .
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