Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The filming , which resulted in an eight-minute segment took three days from 8am to 7pm each day and standing in fire gear in the freezing , draughty shell of a building is not Hollywood .
2 Goblins are more intelligent than Orcs and love nothing better that trading and bartering with their slow-witted relatives , because they always come out best .
3 He would ‘ age ’ the wooden panels and painted surfaces on which he had lavished so much skill and care by exposing them to extremes of dryness and humidity , direct heat and cold ; and he used controlled violence to inflict scratches and abrasions .
4 When nookey is in the offing bosoms do not so much swell as burst over the lace like a pair of dumplings rising to the surface of a casserole pot .
5 Or rather , they do not so much dance as cling to one another , rocking drunkenly with the tide .
6 As one leading business magazine put it. : ‘ Body Shop 's star in the City is not so much rising as super-glued to the roof of the firmament . ’
7 It is particularly pleasing that so much thought and work by the QC team should generate such enthusiasm from all who saw the results .
8 I never used to worry about getting fat , I supposed that 's one reason I did so much over-eating and got to be 13 ½ stone , which is massive when you 're 5ft 2ins !
9 ‘ Not so much grind as bury in the back of the little bastard 's head if I get half a chance . ’
10 It will not even pass through their minds that I spent so much trouble and thought on choosing the right disease or the most just punishment for my fictional character .
11 Knowing you , Jesus , brings so much joy and hope into my life that I want to share you with everyone I meet ,
12 John Yeudall , who 's been involved in the Community for many years as worker , chairman and elected member said " My feelings about it being stripped is how very little building there is for just so much emotion and feeling in it .
13 You can make do with string , but having spent so much time and care on creating a perfect picture , you might be somewhat annoyed if it fell to the floor and smashed because the string had broken !
14 That the potters devoted so much time and care into applying these techniques would appear to indicate the existence of willing purchasers .
15 And gradually we brush a little more each day and try to gradually increase the horse 's tolerance , until we can brush the horse all over without any trouble .
16 Keep your bag as clean as possible by using a sheet liner , air thoroughly each day and protect from damp .
17 The news was repeated by Radio Monte Carlo 's Arabic Service later that day and led to increasingly worried speculation among Libyans , whose own news service remained silent .
18 The group will leave the town later this week and travel by road to Felixstowe where they will be the guests of Fr John McGuire , the National Director of the Apostleship of the Sea .
19 This will be the most comprehensive reform package yet , if Mr MacSharry can get it past his commission colleagues later this month and adopted in the spring by farm ministers .
20 In deaf clubs and institutes throughout the country , there was also much fund-raising and knitting for the armed services .
21 He felt that the market reached its lowest point in the first half of last year and that a number of signs now pointed to returning confidence : a low unsold ( bi ) rate of 13% ( by value ) so far this year as compared to 21% for this time last year , together with stronger bidding in sales this year .
22 This act has as much relevance as trading on a dead beetle . ’
23 Although the maths is beyond the scope of this article it can be shown that the output stage would need to consume twice as much power as delivered to the load .
24 Further , because soil acidification hinders the forest 's bacteria and fungi in recycling nitrogen from decaying plants into the soil , the trees may be robbed of as much nitrogen as provided by acid deposition of nitrates ( Gorham , 1982 ) .
25 The more northerly distributed material implies far less restriction than pertained in Kent .
26 I did n't know what to say , whether to say anything , whether to grab my stuff and run or lie here all day and go to sleep .
27 Some take the profoundly defeatist view that the kicking and screaming which would accompany a successful revolt would do even more damage than sticking with the lady .
28 These are just the latest shocking images from the embattled Yogoslavian republics … leading to even more frustration and anger in western europe .
29 I did n't have any more whiskey as I needed to think , so I made even more tea and settled on the chair again by the fire , lit a cigarette and started to work my way through the file again .
30 It was a need to answer precisely that question that led to the establishment of the large scale comparative research project analysed in the next chapter .
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