Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [be] [vb pp] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One sees the need to be reminded of the richness of direct experience , especially today when so much is learnt and experienced indirectly from print , printouts , and television .
2 During the course of an hour or so these were removed and replaced with remarkable regularity .
3 This book is the true story of a decade in which physical and mental torture became so common that the wonder is not that so many were killed or driven to kill themselves but that so many more survived .
4 An examination of the resources of the two sides at the start of the Spanish Civil War reveals how delicately these were balanced and underlines the influence that the manner of their use was likely to have upon the course of the conflict .
5 Once that 's secured and defended at least once , Weir wants to go for the flyweight title , held until recently by Pat Clinton .
6 Nearly all were rated as doing work of national significance .
7 Often this is modified or informed by a tilt of the head affecting the character of the whole figure .
8 In personal injury cases that element of damage which is common to all , physical injury , can not as such be eliminated or ameliorated by an award of money .
9 Many churches were built but almost all are ruined or have disappeared .
10 Again these were received and responded to by Mrs Kemp .
11 Currently this is organized and sponsored by the International Social Science Council ( ISSC ) , the UN University and the International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Studies .
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