Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Aside from the worthlessness of double negatives , aside from the fact that McGuinness was a far more accomplished safe-breaker than Meehan ( he had earned his nickname Tank because it was said he could penetrate even one of those ) , and aside from the fact that in all the verbiage spilled out by Meehan , Waddell and McGuinness to lawyers , journalists and others for over thirteen years , none of them had so much as hinted at the idea of a quartet , there was not a scrap of worthwhile evidence to support it : it was speculation with a vengeance and extraordinary to find in a report by a judge of his standing .
2 But nobody ever so much as hinted at the possibility that she might return .
3 If you so much as parked on a yellow line they stuffed a mortgage application under your windscreen wipers .
4 The South Sussex team was also more than compensated by the rock solidarity of a boy called Paul Hedley at back , and the dazzling Sherwood brothers , Randolph and Merlin , who 'd pulled out of high goal polo for a fortnight to piss it up with the Pony Club .
5 The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) similarly broods upon the capacity of its own language and structure to contain a reality which can be obscured as much as illumined by the illusions of art .
6 The café-cum-shop up on the ravishing Col du Soul or in particular has been a wondrous mess on my two ascents there : very dark , immensely cluttered , low ceilinged and lit as much as warmed by a large log fire .
7 McLaren boss Teddy Mayer as much as admitted at the end of 1975 that he thought Emerson wanted to move — or that he was in personal trouble of one kind and another — but the official news reached Hunt before it got to the team , and got to Hunt through Domingos Piedade , an eccentric figure close to the cheerful groupie Googie Zanon , a wealthy ( textiles ) Italian aristocrat whose support has been crucial to many drivers at critical points in their career , then ‘ manager ’ to Emerson and now to Ayrton Senna — a fringe career from which Domingos , hugely personable , but also often more a talker than a doer , has made a more than reasonable living .
8 Premium income for the six months was down marginally at [ 1,011.9m ( 1992 : [ 1,021.9m ) as the impact of rate increases across all classes was again more than offset by a lower policy count .
9 He did not seem to know how to play , would not settle down , ran about too much and fought with the other children .
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