Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun] would [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably each side would want to state its position about the quality/condition of the sample and the evidence would presumably be about other samples said to be of various qualities or conditions .
2 Like all prophecy , the signs were in the eye of the beholder , and perhaps another witness would have seen quite different forms In the blur .
3 Surely , only another auction would have revealed it — or otherwise ?
4 Perhaps only another woman would have noticed . ’
5 It is unlikely that so much work would have gone into the construction of trackways for just casual hunting visits into the marshes .
6 Anyway , ’ I nodded into the trees , ‘ perhaps those bastards would have struck before I reached Glastonbury .
7 Mr Nelson responded to interventions by MPs on both sides who claimed that if the Bank of England had acted sooner fewer depositors would have lost cash .
8 It had not occurred to him that Jessica 's behaviour might have put a suitor off , more that Parr would want to go and smack her cheeky face , as he would have done .
9 But traditionally such people would have done , er and perhaps in earlier times you know , er maybe Mrs Thatcher does say some prayers , I do n't know , but maybe prayers would be said .
10 Twice as many women would prefer to have a baby girl than a baby boy
11 ‘ He was playing a complicated character ; actors with far more experience would have found it difficult — he did n't seem to be able to get a hold of it somehow , to adapt . ’
12 ‘ If one of our boys was good enough to play and was not getting a chance with Yorkshire , then surely another county would have taken him .
13 Just a couple of years ago these cars would have fetched three or four times that price .
14 But there was a detachment in their manner which shut people out , and frequently these children would refuse to take any notice of their parents when they came to visit .
15 Surely any thief would have taken that ?
16 Surely any woman would have reacted the same way on discovering a supposed admirer was in reality only after her possessions ?
17 Went into the supermarket and it said and it said pour , not it said erm pour le animal , well any fool would have thought that was poor the animals , and Carol said that looks nice , we 'll , we 'll have a pile of that !
18 If this latter is to be the ultimate model , with the student 's role being somewhere between that of a battery hen and a laboratory rat , then surely most teachers would wish to have no part in its evolution .
19 erm it does n't , for example , necessarily imply that statements about beauty are merely subjective , or are delusory or are soft headed , or maybe that Eyre would want to say that on another occasion .
20 If , to be effective , learning had to become personalised ( made part of oneself — the learner — through direct and vicarious experiences ) then each child would need to follow an individualised learning programme .
21 But presumably if the ‘ good ’ schools became , as a result of their location , their examination results , or by some other means , identifiable in the eyes of parents , then these schools would have to become selective .
22 If asked this question last year , almost all economists would have predicted that the large stock of unsold properties ( due to a record number of mortgage repossessions ) would depress house prices for years to come .
23 Almost all freeholders would have taken strong exception to the suggestion that their support had been purchased , and this was as true of those gentlemen who had recently obtained posts for themselves or their sons as it was for those who had been less fortunate .
24 Then I realized that he did n't want one to respond , that a response of almost any kind would have interrupted his flow , and the politest thing to do was follow the ADC 's example and just listen .
25 Very few environmentalists would choose to engage in a debate about the extent to which they had either succeeded or sold out .
26 And , it must be added , very few people would choose to escape its images and what they represent in terms of the good , or better , life .
27 Although it is true that more people would have contracted serious illnesses of a type which have now been eradicated — especially tuberculosis , which struck large numbers of people ( women more frequently than men ) throughout the nineteenth century — very few people would have survived into a long and infirm old age ( Johansson , 1977 ) .
28 By the end of the period of imperial expansion , in the middle of the twentieth century , it was widely believed that everyone in the world should be a citizen of an independent and sovereign state and should have the same rights as all the other citizens in the state , but in 1500 very few people would have understood such a notion .
29 Suggestions that some representative element be added to the government , an idea which very few people would have taken seriously before the 1750s , were now being put forward .
30 In practice , very few Romanians would have recognized Valentin Ceauşescu before his family was exposed to public denunciation after his parents ' fall .
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