Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] that [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The car was so badly crushed that I thought about asking the boss if he wanted it posting back . ’
2 He was fascinated by horses — so fascinated that he came to be called ‘ The Man who Loved to Draw Horses , ’ although he could and did draw a wide range of other domestic animals .
3 Any erm deficiency at the end of the financial year was made up by a rate demand , erm so i the it was n't the same in all municipal undertakings , some of them were allowed to carry forward their balances but Ipswich , whether it was erm , er by law or er a , oh I do n't know what it be , perhaps needed that they got to be , the erm balance of the year had to be balanced at the end of the year , so you had a rate demand and of course that rate demand went on to the next year 's rates .
4 Boris Mavra , Oxford 's Yugoslavian three , was so exhausted that he had to be lifted out of the boat , though he recovered quickly .
5 To uncouple , the tug drew away and the leg was so balanced that it dropped to earth by gravity : if this leg was , through any reason tight , and it failed to function , the trailer fell to the ground , and so cast its load .
6 About 50 per cent of the animals were so sev-erely maimed that they had to be put down .
7 Paddy quickly took command , but with most of their gear missing and two men so badly injured that they had to be left behind , there was nothing for it but to try to make the rendezvous with the LRDG .
8 It is clear that Wagner became genuinely fond of Nietzsche , but for all the young professor 's admiration of him as a person , Wagner — it is a notorious fact — was a supremely egocentric man ; it is easily inferred that he glimpsed in Nietzsche a means of gaining respectability in hitherto hostile academic circles , and that it was this glimpse , as much as anything , that encouraged his fond feelings to grow .
9 I have already mentioned that I worked in Derbyshire .
10 Tory leaders thundering against the takeover of Liverpool city council by the militant Left in the 1980s scarcely mentioned that it happened despite a majority of the city 's electorate voting against Labour .
11 And he said that one of his part-time staff secretly alleged that he discriminated against her .
12 Harry Gent , at any rate , always claimed that it arose from the numerous illegal cockfights that were held in the cellar .
13 And others were so deeply affected that they withdrew from the community , shutting themselves away in their homes .
14 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
15 Even employers who steadfastly denied that they would ever use such a method usually indicated that they knew of those who did .
16 They were grand princesses dancing superbly throughout , but never once suggested that they grew from girl to woman by any change of expression or ways of dancing .
17 But the explosive charge was too large and the chapel was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down .
18 ‘ You were probably told that she died of a heart attack — but she did n't .
19 He was in his forties and his manner and speech clearly indicated that he belonged to a much higher social class than Atkins and his colleagues .
20 He was always careful to have no vestige of drug cargoes on board when entering port and openly admitted that he dealt in drugs , always doing business in the safety of international waters .
21 The Salvation Army 's solicitors , Slaughter and May , also confirmed that they spoke to Mr Hann early in January but will not comment further .
22 The poster at the end of the tunnel was so large and so perfectly lit that it seemed to O , looking up at it suddenly , that the tunnel did not end in a wall , in fact did not end at all , but led to the green fields of France .
23 Indeed its members often denied that they belonged to any ‘ group ’ ; they were , they said , primarily friends , with certain family connections , who found some definition ( and their group name ) from the district of London where a number of them lived .
24 Next day in a further raid on this airfield another Beaufighter was to be slightly damaged , as was a Maryland , while a Wellington and a Blenheim were so badly hit that they had to be written off .
25 The baby was born on July 28th , 1981 , and it was immediately diagnosed that she suffered from Down 's Syndrome and also from a duodenal obstruction .
26 Police had earlier revealed that he died in similar circumstances to Mr Walker .
27 Soldiers initially alleged that they fired at the car after it had driven through an army checkpoint and hit a soldier .
28 The words were so softly spoken that she wondered at first if she 'd heard correctly .
29 Already he had half decided that it had to be .
30 The question was so silkily inserted that she drew in a breath .
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