Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 The often quoted examples of the linear parishes in Lincolnshire and Wiltshire ( Fig. 15 ) are so arranged that each of the land uses , and access to them , is equal for all settlements .
2 WWF and its mature colleagues in the conservation world have long realised that many of the priority issues with which we are all currently concerned ( rain forest destruction , coastal marine pollution , over-exploitation , loss of diversity ) are issues which have to be tackled in parallel with those of human population increase , extreme poverty , low food production levels , lack of marketable resources and , in a few cases , uncaring , self-centred governments .
3 Of course , the dinosaur specialist has long recognized that some of the smaller species were fairly agile , and could have reached considerably higher speeds than the larger carnosaurs .
4 It is generally accepted that most of the Siberian peoples were organized in clans , each of which traced descent from a common ancestor , and that marriage within this kinship group was forbidden .
5 We have already seen that many of the most important and significant developments in settlements took place before documents were generally available .
6 We have already seen that some of the less successful students had suffered a blow to their self-esteem as a consequence of the rigid rules on learning .
7 He had already observed that many of the officers , especially the older men like Burun , had fingernails which were lacquered or overlaid with silver or gold .
8 Sophy Sanger soon realized that many of the worst evils of working life — occupational disease , industrial injury , and sweated labour — could be combated only by effective international action .
9 I have always felt that most of the practical differences between the handling of tailwheel aircraft and those with their third wheel at the wrong end could be covered in a single comprehensive magazine article ( like mine in March Pilot ) , but after reading The Compleat Taildragger Pilot I concede that , if you want to cover all the relevant theory too , something this size is required .
10 The lower slabs are so low angled that few of the routes are more than Diff to V. Diff .
11 Dustin has always believed that some of the cinema 's best moments have come out of improvisation .
12 It is further acknowledged that each of the parties shall indemnify me for all reasonable costs of defending such actions and proceedings .
13 The Israeli Foreign Ministry formally denied that any of the four were spies and on Feb. 12 demanded an apology from the Egyptian government .
14 Dawson and Smith also recognized that some of the veined and pervasively metasomatized peridotite xenoliths from the Bultfontein Floors mine dumps at Kimberley have replacement mineral compositions that are broadly similar to those of the MARID suite ( although the relationship between the two is not simple and some important chemical distinctions remain , possibly reflecting different degrees of interaction between veins and peridotite wall rocks ) .
15 Jewish groups also protested that some of the 35,000 people who had been pardoned by the Lithuanian authorities since 1988 were Nazi war criminals , prompting the government to announce that two of the cases would be reviewed .
16 Penrose also claimed that most of the money needed for Blake 's escape had not ( as Bourke had claimed ) come from Blake 's mother .
17 Mature N. lapillus are thought not to grow ( Moore , 1936 ) but Moore ( 1938a ) found a preponderance of females amongst the largest dog whelks ; he thought this is due either to differential growth rates in the two sexes or to differential onset of maturity.Feare ( 1970c ) also considered that most of the oldest individuals were female .
18 Lautro later accepted that some of the facts alleged were not correct and that some of the allegations must be qualified .
19 You have probably noticed that most of the drivers are at root perfectly normal behaviour .
20 It has also ensured that some of the proposals , particularly those concerned with improving access to health services , have been incorporated into the federal budget plans for 1992–3 and the five yearly hospital funding agreements between state and federal governments .
21 She was also told that some of the creatures and vegetation on the planet were not real , but the product of a Nicaean corporation .
22 Fitzmaurice & Pease ( 1982 ) have also demonstrated that many of the most dramatic differences in the size of prison populations in European countries are caused by variations in sentence length rather than in the number of prison sentences .
23 The CBI also found that more of the region 's businesses expected new orders to increase rather than to decrease .
24 The developers also believed that many of the near-miss cases could also be solved by using some simple morphological and/or syntactic analysis .
25 But the report also confirmed that most of the UK 's manufacturing base has had to face rising costs for overseas raw materials as a result of the devaluation of sterling .
26 However , I have now decided that most of the new music out there is n't worth listening to , so I 've got back to reading about music in preference to listening to it .
27 Celia often thought that some of the happiest marriages were childless .
28 It is well known that many of the professional singers of early music in Britain were trained in cathedral choir and in Oxbridge chapels .
29 ‘ I think it 's pretty well known that some of the ones that are going to get a particularly close look are the ones I mentioned , either because they are not being competed in by a lot of people in a great many countries , or they are expensive , and so on . ’
30 In attempting to defuse possible inter-racial antagonism , the Journal rarely mentioned that most of the 500 rioters were black .
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