Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The car was so badly crushed that I thought about asking the boss if he wanted it posting back . ’
2 He was fascinated by horses — so fascinated that he came to be called ‘ The Man who Loved to Draw Horses , ’ although he could and did draw a wide range of other domestic animals .
3 Some have been toppled , and some are so eroded that they appear to be nothing more than wind-scoured boulders .
4 When one begins to take passages of Scripture and to ask how those can be so presented that they speak with equal force and with the same intended meaning as when they were originally communicated , all kinds of possibilities emerge .
5 This is a life so transformed that it stands in utter contrast to the life which comes naturally to us as human beings .
6 Any erm deficiency at the end of the financial year was made up by a rate demand , erm so i the it was n't the same in all municipal undertakings , some of them were allowed to carry forward their balances but Ipswich , whether it was erm , er by law or er a , oh I do n't know what it be , perhaps needed that they got to be , the erm balance of the year had to be balanced at the end of the year , so you had a rate demand and of course that rate demand went on to the next year 's rates .
7 But if the entire building is so damaged that it has to be torn down and rebuilt , the landlord collects from his insurer to rebuild .
8 In fact , these two warts are so enlarged that they look like long swellings behind the animal 's eyes , covered with pores through which the poison seeps .
9 Boris Mavra , Oxford 's Yugoslavian three , was so exhausted that he had to be lifted out of the boat , though he recovered quickly .
10 Rumour and gossip will spread and the employer may well find key staff and others so unsettled that they look for and find other jobs .
11 I am greatly touched that she thinks of me and remembers me even in the state of forgetfulness of human affairs in which she now finds herself .
12 To uncouple , the tug drew away and the leg was so balanced that it dropped to earth by gravity : if this leg was , through any reason tight , and it failed to function , the trailer fell to the ground , and so cast its load .
13 About 50 per cent of the animals were so sev-erely maimed that they had to be put down .
14 However , Brenda 's turn is so constructed that it starts in London English with a statement about what happened , and switches to Creole at " cause " ( which could be London English or Creole ) — precisely the point where she begins her explanation of why she acted in this way .
15 If , however , a society is so divided that it contains within itself one or more permanent minorities , who know that on the issues that matter most to them they can never hope to get their way , precisely because of the operation of the majority principle , then that principle ceases to be adequate .
16 Paddy quickly took command , but with most of their gear missing and two men so badly injured that they had to be left behind , there was nothing for it but to try to make the rendezvous with the LRDG .
17 It will be apparent from what I have already said that I agree with the views expressed by Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 , 41–42 .
18 It is clear that Wagner became genuinely fond of Nietzsche , but for all the young professor 's admiration of him as a person , Wagner — it is a notorious fact — was a supremely egocentric man ; it is easily inferred that he glimpsed in Nietzsche a means of gaining respectability in hitherto hostile academic circles , and that it was this glimpse , as much as anything , that encouraged his fond feelings to grow .
19 I have already mentioned that I worked in Derbyshire .
20 Tory leaders thundering against the takeover of Liverpool city council by the militant Left in the 1980s scarcely mentioned that it happened despite a majority of the city 's electorate voting against Labour .
21 And he said that one of his part-time staff secretly alleged that he discriminated against her .
22 Harry Gent , at any rate , always claimed that it arose from the numerous illegal cockfights that were held in the cellar .
23 And others were so deeply affected that they withdrew from the community , shutting themselves away in their homes .
24 Even employers who steadfastly denied that they would ever use such a method usually indicated that they knew of those who did .
25 But as regards his goods and chattels , which include his leaseholds , it is early admitted that he has at least a limited power to dispose by will — limited because his wife and children may have rights which he can not override .
26 They were grand princesses dancing superbly throughout , but never once suggested that they grew from girl to woman by any change of expression or ways of dancing .
27 But the explosive charge was too large and the chapel was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down .
28 So now I always and so I , I 'm thinking that it might be that , that I that erm maybe you know like I used to be anxious about something like that and I used to wake up and the dream used to happen , but now that I 've double checked that I know for sure that , that I 'm safe you know for the night it does n't happen any more by cutting off possibility
29 Although slides and photos have been the traditional medium , and are widely accepted as substitutes for the landscape ( Shuttleworth , 1980b ) , Kreimer ( 1977 ) has also argued that they need to be put more fully into their context .
30 ‘ You were probably told that she died of a heart attack — but she did n't .
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