Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] to [pron] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She carried a small basket in her hand containing food for her frugal evening meal , although the rancid smells around her were strong enough to diminish any desire to eat — she had not yet grown sufficiently accustomed to them to ignore them .
2 But she had to admit that , realistically , he probably meant that she annoyed him beyond measure and that he was hard put to it to treat her civilly .
3 ‘ They 'll be hard put to it to think I 'm sleeping with a scruff like that ! ’
4 She had even vaguely registered that it sold flowers , but it had never occurred to her to regard it as a serious rival .
5 Why had it never occurred to him to use it for more than carving ?
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