Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] and [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The report , prepared by the department 's inspector-general , Sherman Funk , did not name the country concerned , but it was widely recognized and acknowledged in private by officials that the allegations referred to Israel .
2 I am keenly aware , as you know , of the many Catholics whose faith and commitment have been badly shaken and disturbed in recent days , particularly over the ordination of women to the priesthood .
3 In the Kadanwari field in the Tajjal block , four wells have been successfully drilled and tested at average rages in excess of 30 mmcfd .
4 Desktop publishing , as far as the user is concerned , is really the action of producing documents that look as though they have been professionally designed and produced by traditional methods .
5 The fertile biochemistry of forests constantly racked and renewed by volcanic eruption — which once prevailed throughout the cooling surface of the globe — still continues in Indonesia , and amongst her trembling islands we find time-capsules of our earliest beginnings , when dragons stalked the earth .
6 His Origin of Forms and Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philosophy ( 1666 ) is a masterpiece of criticism of the Aristotelians ' substantial forms , a detailed classic exposition of the corpuscular theory he wishes to put in their place , and , finally , a compendium of experiments and results , all explained and analysed in corpuscularian terms .
7 The Palace was entirely redesigned and rebuilt within two years .
8 Each book contains an unnumbered introductory unit teaching the complete phonemic alphabet and this is constantly revised and practised throughout both levels .
9 The pitch for new business and the winning of new business are being extremely highly regarded and valued within those organisations even now .
10 We all know elderly people , including the very old , who relish life and are highly respected and loved by those around them .
11 Police are appealing for witnesses after Thomas McKeowen , 48 , of Mattison Avenue , Whinney Banks , Middlesbrough , was brutally attacked and robbed by two youths as he opened his front .
12 Four millilitres of the complex were immediately added to the leucocyte suspension , gently mixed and left for 10 minutes at room temperature .
13 Theoretically it is static , ignoring the way any one person is constantly positioned and repositioned through social interaction .
14 He says they 're highly organized and work in small groups .
15 An independent inquiry into the assassination attempt on Gilchrist Olympio , chairman of the opposition alliance Union of the Forces of Change ( UFC ) , on May 5 [ see p. 38901 ] concluded that the attack was " apparently prepared and executed by military men " .
16 One Sunday morning , when I was looking out of the window , I saw Mme Guérigny leave church and walk from the rue de Fleuve along the rue Victorie towards Bluot 's , and return with a box nicely wrapped and tied with gold string .
17 For cell populations , data were all long transformed and expressed as geometric means ( SD ) and analysed parametrically. p Values ≥0.05 were taken as significant .
18 For his pains he was highly commended and posted to another air field on the east coast , one of several which were used exclusively by crippled aircraft limping home and unable to make base .
19 He was so very young , so hurt and confused by all that had happened in his life , it seemed only natural that he should want to lash out .
20 For some , as indeed for T. E. Lawrence , this entailed not just the rejection of a repressive social order , but a disidentification from it requiring nothing less than the relinquishing of the self as hitherto constituted and inhabited by that order .
21 Approximately 600 policemen , mostly Tamils , were apparently abducted and according to unconfirmed reports over 100 of them were massacred in Amparai district on June 12 .
22 How many had been beggared while the war between the royal cousins had swept across their fields or through their towns , while the barons who should have protected them looked only to their own gain , shifting loyalties so often that the ordinary common man found himself constantly besieged and attacked by both sides ?
23 There is a third monument on the outskirts of the village , a 120 ft tall Gothic spire , paid for by subscription and dedicated to Sir Tatton Sykes , fourth baronet , who died in 1863 , much loved and respected by all his villagers .
24 The commons also complained about the burden of military service , saying that the cost of wages and equipment for the troops was especially hard to bear because the ‘ land was much grieved and charged by many taxes and other burdens ’ .
25 Professional players , like artists , are highly strung and affected by ill-considered ‘ criticism ’ from the crowd . ’
26 Human diversity is the product of this process endlessly repeated and re-sorted over tens of thousands of years .
27 Mrs Grandison , the mother of Sophia and Penelope , had the remains of her daughters ' Pre-Raphaelite beauty , now much faded and overlaid with some other quality , which had made her the President of the Women 's Institute in the village where she lived but which did not seem to be quite Pre-Raphaelite .
28 First , that the radical Right 's assault has been carefully managed ; the step by step approach was brilliantly conceived and managed by diligent and unerring control from the centre ; secondly , that the speed of its success has varied in different areas of public provision , which tells us much about the role of resistances , resistances built on organized opposition within the public services .
29 Wheat , originally a plant of the hot , arid , Near East , has been somewhat improved and adapted to temperate climates , but still needs strong land and a long , hot , dry growing season to develop and ripen .
30 Ten adult elephants — each with a number painted on it — were successfully moved and released in this fashion .
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