Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [coord] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's incorrectly built and it also appears to have been used as an excuse for fly tipping , and industrial fly tipping at that .
2 Often , the affected part of the plant becomes badly damaged and it finally dies .
3 Well , it says on the bottom of the , your copy of the charge sheet , production of driving license you must produce it , failure to produce it will mean that it is automatically suspended and it also means you 've committed yet another offence by not having a driving licence here to produce Mr !
4 Failure to produce it will mean that it is automatically suspended and it also means you 've committed yet another offence by not having a driving licence here to produce Mr .
5 Spectator sport may have been partially commercialized but it never became a capitalist leisure enterprise .
6 The significance of his gearless pedestal has not yet been fully realised but it so influenced engineer 's thinking that solar powered lights are feasible even in the higher ranges .
7 In other areas , the role of MRI is not yet fully established but it certainly seems to have several advantages with regard to imaging bone marrow malignancy , staging pelvic cancers , and in head and neck tumours .
8 With the paramilitary organizations such as the UDA , the UVF and the Down Orange Welfare setting up road blocks and , in some areas , using considerable ‘ persuasion ’ to prevent people going about their normal business , the government was seriously challenged and it hardly responded .
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