Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hitherto regarded as a moderate in his policies towards the West , the president 's rhetoric is becoming less conciliatory with the approach of presidential elections in June .
2 Well Sandy , we 've only looked at a few of the things in your shed and a very few of your photographs but it 's been fascinating .
3 ( 6.5 ) unc provided x is free in no unc ( 6.6 ) unc provided x is free in no unc Note that it is possible to deal with cases where x is only declared in a few of the
4 This is all handled by a bolted on simple image editor and capture program called Inset .
5 John Wriglesworth , the housing analyst at UBS , a Swiss bank , estimates that the stock of unsold homes has already fallen by a third over the past year .
6 While they are best regarded as a medium to long term investment , you can always sell your units at any time you wish .
7 This position is echoed by Lehrer ( 1987 : 256 ) , who states that " to has no meaning of its own " , by Buyssens ( 1987 : 341 ) , who asserts that it is a " well-known fact that when the infinitive is used as the subject , the predicate , or the direct object of the sentence , it is normally preceded by a meaningless to " , and by Andersson ( 1985 : 57 ) , who distinguishes between the preposition to , which has a meaning , and the pure to infinitive marker , " which only has the syntactic function to introduce [ sic ] an infinitive " .
8 The well-known deconstruction carried out in ‘ Structure , Sign , and Play ’ shows how the constitution of anthropological knowledge , though often paraded as scientific and objective , is nevertheless governed by a problematic of which it remains unaware : the philosophical category of the centre — which Derrida then proceeds to articulate with the problem of Eurocentrism .
9 In fact , the separatist movement which developed in Sicily after 1943 proved short-lived , though its disappearance is still mourned by a few as ‘ the end of the Sicilian nation ’ .
10 Like a personal chair , a readership is usually conferred on an individual for merit in scholarship , research and published work .
11 Throughout drama school there will be continuous work on acting solo pieces , and both singing and acting tutorials are usually conducted on a one to one basis ( more on tutorials in chapter 7 ) .
12 At Ballynaughton a Neolithic cist was later used as a depository for a coin hoard , no doubt being chosen as being safe because of the fear of the islanders about the consequences of the desecration of a burial place .
13 However , the plaintiffs had also asked for a winding up order under s 122(1) ( g ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
14 The sun is often treated as an animate in English : to refer to its warm breath is to extend the metaphor .
15 The conference has three broad aims : 1 ) to examine the status of the concept of the market in social scientific analysis and to question the way in which the concept is often taken as a given in social history ,
16 The stoichiometry of the reaction is given by , CO+2H 2 →CH 3 OH but this equation gives no indication of what happens on the catalyst surface : for example , carbon dioxide is almost certainly involved as an intermediate at one stage .
17 The stoichiometry of the reaction is given by , but this equation gives no indication of what happens on the catalyst surface : for example , carbon dioxide is almost certainly involved as an intermediate at one stage .
18 Operating losses were cut to £11.6m from £18.8m and group sales actually improved by a tenth to £399m , helped by favourable exchange rates .
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