Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Miami Cubans are flexing their wallets for the return to a country whose people are healthier , better educated and less racially divided than when the exiles left .
2 I can not recall reading a recent work in English on music history better written and more carefully seen through the press than this one .
3 Issues of eurobonds are limited to highly rated and usually well known borrowers so investors do not require additional security in the form of specific claims on assets provided by domestically issued debentures .
4 By creating a mode of Repertory Grid Technique specific to visual art and making it available through the personal computer , this area full of complexity and uncertainty might come to be both better understood and more widely valued .
5 Better known and more commonly employed in the daily lives of the Hebridean people were the plants used for dyeing wool .
6 Though his first wife remains a shadowy and rather pathetic figure about whom one longs to know more , there is plenty here on the crowded , ramshackle household and its often hand-to-mouth existence constructed entirely around the demands of the workaholic , temperamental sculptor — the hoarded treasures , the art and music which pervaded the house , the much loved but somewhat casually raised children , the constantly changing and eccentric cast of live-in models , nannies , general factotums , portrait sitters , studio visitors , plaster moulders , musicians , friends and members of the press who were usually given short shrift .
7 It 's hard to imagine there will be anything more brilliantly conceived and more compellingly presented , unless there 's something still to come , which will then have to be the book of the decade .
8 The Prussian government passed legislation designed to Germanise landholdings in the border districts , but these laws were so badly framed and so crudely implemented that they had exactly the reverse effect from that intended .
9 This series of re-issues from EMI France comes attractively packaged in two-CD sets , all of which are extremely generously filled and very reasonably priced .
10 the following 13 are likely to be already answered or more readily addressed within a context of ‘ open-decision making ’ .
11 This is easily said and less easily done , but it is not critical to the final working .
12 1968 ) has become one of the best known and most widely used of all language tests .
13 Delayed gastric emptying as a result of gastroparesis is probably the best known and most extensively evaluated motor disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract in diabetic patients .
14 We know something of the ways in which ‘ huskers ’ and amateur street performers were progressively controlled and eventually almost eliminated from the cities in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
15 Very often the jobs in TNC factories are among the best paid and most highly valued in developing countries .
16 As in much of Eliot 's drama , the issue of The Family Reunion lies in the revelation of a secret : his world is one in which disclosure is the thing most needed and also most feared .
17 The forward- facing electors without our campaign exp expertise , back-up and money will not dissolve any deeply held if only recently announced objections to union association , for we all know what 's likely to happen at the party conference in October if the brakes are not applied now .
18 He thus became in a sense a monarch , though one whose powers were strictly limited and often jealously scrutinized by the provincial estates .
19 The book is reasonably priced and generally well written , with few errors .
20 But it is in the newspapers , particularly the perilously overcrowded range of upmarket Sundays , that the related questions of ‘ product identity ’ , ‘ badging ’ ( the engineered match between product and consumer self-image ) and sheer survival are most clearly related and most sharply posed .
21 But classroom practice is not put at the service of the principles , designed to test them out ; conversely , the principles serve classroom practices in that they provide a way in which they may be more clearly understood and more systematically carried out .
22 ideas should be differently ordered or more fully expressed in order to convey their meaning ;
23 ‘ Among us the sin of schism is too often committed and too quickly condoned . ’
24 Lifestyle is a term which is often used but very rarely defined .
25 Consequently , if best practicable means are taken to limit the discharge of such gases to levels recommended by the Health and Safety Executive , odour emission will be correspondingly reduced and even totally removed where the concentration at which a particular odour is perceived , i.e. its odour threshold detection value , exceeds the recommended emission level for that particular substance .
26 That the ethics of prevention trials is often a resource driven argument is tacitly assumed but rarely explicitly stated .
27 Rather , if found at all , such work is likely to be roughly handled and very much read .
28 Culturally deprived and still closely tied to the village , the latter did nothing to raise the level of sophistication or political consciousness of the proto-bourgeoisie .
29 ‘ It appears to me that the whole question is governed by the broad , general , universal principle that English legislation , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied as to make it the duty of an English court to give effect to an English statute , is applicable only to English subjects or to foreigners who by coming into this country , whether for a long or a short time , have made themselves during that time subject to English jurisdiction .
30 ‘ Put into the language of today , the general principle being there stated is simply that , unless the contrary is expressly enacted or so plainly implied that the courts must give effect to it , United Kingdom legislation is applicable only to British subjects or to foreigners who by coming to the United Kingdom , whether for a short or a long time , have made themselves subject to British jurisdiction .
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