Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] it [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It does not seem to be necessary for an ad to be at all well remembered for it to have an effect .
2 Now he looked up , and Lachlan was hard put to it to meet the bitter glare .
3 The motive power was by hand — there was a crank on either side at the bottom , though Mr. Golding was a powerful man , he was hard put to it to operate the lift on his own and used to puff whilst doing it .
4 ‘ For the first half-dozen years of Scrutiny I had no post and no salary , and was hard put to it to make a living , ’ he once wrote in characteristic vein .
5 They made a dazzling bouquet , not without charm , but the bunch which was presented each May Day by Mrs Curdle in person to the doctor was of such gargantuan proportions that Mrs Bailey was hard put to it to find a suitable place for it .
6 And this issue he had been hard put to it to find a couple of intelligent letters for the correspondence page ; sometimes it seemed that every crackbrain in north-east Norfolk read the PANUP newsletter but that no one else did .
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